KC:D crossword puzzle - win hoodies and hats

Did anyone was able to solve this without looking ? :smile:

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Finding the right solution without looking something up? Yes
Solve the whole crossword puzzle without looking? No, nobody was able to do this, even from the Studio :smiley:


Like a full set of plate armour?


And what @rataj suggested is actually a pretty great idea. Hell, I honestly never knew the name of those things till now and I’ve been studying medieval history (read: mainly sallets and anything to do with the Hundred Years War between England and France) since Grade 3. I just thought they were a long hood or something.


What does first price, second price, and third price mean by the way?

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The first price will be a hoodie and a hat,
The second price will be a hoodie,
and the third price will be a hat.

There will be a lottery on the 8th of December among all participants with the right answer.

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Ok, thanks I get it now!

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any info on when the winners will be announced?

Tomorrow :slight_smile:
The chance to participate is still open for a couple of minutes.

And it is done, Time is over, everone who sends in his answer after this timestamp was not in time anymore :slight_smile:

Thank you all for participating in the crossword puzzle.
I am happy to announce the lucky winners Marek P., Mario S. and Korel G., congratulations from the Warhorse Team!
You have already got an email from me with the request of your address to send you your prices.
For all other participants: this was not the first competition and it will not have been the last one, maybe you will be more lucky next time, and I will send a thank you email to all of you within the next week.
Thank you :slight_smile:

How many people had the correct answer?
And what was the right answer??? :blush:

111 People participated and were right and Kingdom was the correct solution.


No, definitely not! My favourite style is leather! Goes well with archery :bow_and_arrow:

Life is not just black and white, IT’S FULL OF COLOURS! :wink:

If you are talking about lammellar, steel is better. Trust me, as I am an noyon.