KC:D Exec agrees the game shouldve waited longer

My sentiments exactly, just a little more time and polish would’ve went far.


They probably had a deadline through the distro contracts. They will continue polishing it off as we get to play which is fine with me.


Yea, theres always some type of deal set up like that especially when dealing with shipping physical copies, also there was probably a crunch time for the employees at warhorse too but just seems like so much got away during these times. Yes, this certainly hasnt stopped me from playing, but then again i have mods working lol.

The game has a ton of potential to be one of the best titles of all time… Especially considering the modding community and the sales which will hopefully turn into future development.

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no fuckin way! he actually ADMITS TO IT?! when i posted time and again on reddit that they should delay the release incase it’s not polished enough for release

i guess Deep Shillver really pressed them to keep up the deadline eh?

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I think it was pretty obvious for everyone. Although it’s still a just a business transaction for the investors and they probably pushed for it to be released.

I agree with everyone else i am positive deep silver and investors alike pushed them hard to get it out the door.

How ever over a million sold in a week is damn impressive and I am really excited to see where this game and warhorse go from here!

Thanks to you guys and gals for doing everything you could with what little you had!

Also a special shout out to Jenda may you rest easy!


Its not like they pushed tham hard from bad reasons… When you are preparing physical delivery, you simply cannot postpone that however you like. You must set a date ATLEAST half a year in advance, and after that you can´t change that for logistical reasons… Sadly its hard to guess how much time do you really need and lot can happen in that half year :frowning:

You can say what you want about then bud the give about there game and there have sold already 1m. That is a round 50m on euros.

every single dev exec has this sentiment. the fact remains, it’s a business with deadlines.

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This was a game made on Kickstarter for bare bones.

So naturally you expect the greatest game ever made.


“We hate big corporations that corrupt our shit, lets help the little guy out”

“OMG why are you not as good as the corporates? Where is your farking quality that I demand out of your miniscule budget?”

Not that I’m going to fanboy defend, but context always matters. Warhorse suffers from the ambitious scale syndrome, last I remember that they have some promises that cannot be met. It is a godsend that they are still able to publish this and still succeed with 1 million sales.

Not when you lost your whole progress because the game save doesn’t work anymore

This has gotten worse and worse over the years with gaming in my experience.
I think that the deadlines and contract repercussions are getting harder and harder and if the dev teams does not agree with these deadlines then there is no deal and therefore no game.

This is happening in my job with every bigger project now (plant engineering and construction).
I am mostly involved in the whole process and it’s always the same. Customer demands a certain price and deadline (which are impossible to realize) and internally you can say what you want, in the end they go and say “sure, we can do that”. Of course it fails but now customers are demanding more strict conditions because it worked so well last time, otherwise no deal.

I believe that every industry suffers from that to some degree.

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Exactly as stated above, people seem fixated on the Devs primary responsibilty being to produce a game of a certain quality, it is not. They are a business, they have shareholders, overheads, salaries to pay. There was a timeframe within which they had to go for release because after that point they could no longer fund development and the whole project would collapse unfinished and leave them with a massive pile of debt. They did the best they could to deliver a working game, and mostly succeeded in that, now thanks to sales they might have the money to fund bug fixes and extra content, without the buggy release we would have got nothing and they would have been bankrupted out of existence, now do you understand the logic in a buggy release?