KCD Funny Moments and Fails Compilations

Hello everyone,

As I am still waiting for my KCD copy to be delivered I keep watching these Twitch streams and YT videos. Isn’t it great to have the collector’s edition of the game pre-ordered few weeks before release date and then alza.cz changes delivery date from february 13th to march 2nd? Was there any explanation or apology? Of course not.

Anyway… Take it easy guys and have fun. I almost sh*t my pants while watching the two videos below.
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bAFnijnPYGU
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykupxAftgfk

And devs, if you read this post by any chance (I understand you must be very busy these days), PLEASE do something about these blatant bugs, I beg you. It’s obviously game breaking bugs and it really trashes the immersion. You can see that some of the stramers are hard trying to role play, but… it’s just not possible when these “THINGS” are happening.

Looking forward to finally play KCD.


Be happy, when you get the game there will already be less bugs than when it has been released :wink:
And please its KDC, sry if it was only an writing error, but there are many people actually thinking it’s KDC like for what? KingDom Come?

I almost don’t want them to patch the game because so much funny stuff can happen.

Hi Decrimal - oh yeah, you are right. It’s my favorite typo related to this game (I have no idea why I keep mistyping it). I’ve fixed that in an edit, thanks for the notice.

Well then i’m truly sorry, don’t mind the typo just the people typing it on purpose :slight_smile:

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