KCD Inside Skalitz castle befoire Raid?

Any footage? Any cool gear?

I wondered that too. I have never been able to get in it, before or after the raid. When looking from the outside, everywhere I could find to look in, it looks totally empty. I don’t think they ever intended for anyone to go in it, as it doesn’t look “finished” on the inside like the other castles. I tried everything I could think of to get in too. Even killed all the guards. There are videos on Youtube of people killing everyone before the raid, even the guards just in front, but nothing filmed inside the castle, at least not that I could find.

I always wondered that. After i finish the story, i may start another one and explore Skalitz from end to end before the attack.

I did try to enter the castle after the attack, but i think it’s impossible.

My last 2 restarts, I have tried to get in, even saved the game before killing everyone, so I could reload and continue as normal lol. I could find no way in. I may have to try again lol.

Someone with PC version could clip or jump over the wall. Hopefully someone makes a vid of it before it is destroyed

I am playing PC version. I haven’t managed it yet, will have to try again.

Use clipping command

Okay, let me give it a shot. I hadn’t tried with commands, wanted to find a way to do it without, but can try the command and see.

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Video tape it?

For sure. If I manage it, it will be recorded and put on Youtube. I will post a link to it here, if I manage it.

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Well, only way I found is using fly mode, which required a cheat mod. I filmed it, including the jail cell where you end up in the “Fire Starter” Achievement. I am uploading them now. I will have links shortly.
To save time, I filmed it in 2 short parts, just over the wooden wall and around the outside of the castle itself, then inside the castle.
It definitely is not intended to be entered, as the walls are not even solid. As you will see in the videos, I walked right through them, but I had no commands running except the fly command, and things outside the castle were solid.

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Well, there we have it, before and after the raid.

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I wasn’t expecting anything, but still I am a little disapointed that there is really nothing inside :smile:

Thanks for having a look and the videos