KCD on Switch pretty plz?

:smiley: come on
Capitalize sales and expand install base
Id buy 30 copies


Yeah and it would probably run at 480p at a blazing 15fps. Not gonna happen. And I hope more developers don’t downgrade their vision across all platforms in the future just to get their game able to run on a tablet.


Come on games like doom, skyrim, wolfenstein are on Switch

Doom runs at half the frame rate and below 720p on top of downgraded lighting/textures, etc. wolfenstein 2 will be the same. Not all games will/should run on a Nintendo tablet.


 maybe if Nintendo comes with better hardware to boot then it would be beneficial to KCD to make a port
but as of right now
 playing KCD on the go seems like a bit unreachable (after all there are gaming laptops for that)

Would love nothing more to have this on my switch also pls
Surely there’s enough Switch console sales to justify a port, especially in a market where you’re competing against sub par indie games and not many Aaa third party games? The earlier the Devs have their software available on switch the less competition u have on that console. I guess it’s just about whether the port could be optimised to run well on switch. Also, Most parents may buy their kids a switch for Xmas for 500 rather than a gaming laptop for thousands. Please consider x

Henry would look like a potato :sweet_potato: though lol

They cant even get it right on the other platforms, probably shouldn’t even try.

This is what it would look like😆

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Skyrim on Switch is bugged AF. Sadly same old bugs like in original release they never bothered fixing. Plus few new issues. But it’s satisfying playing it again on that wonderful hardware.

Out source it. Surely there must have been some sort of cash flow progress since launch. Im not privy of the finer financial details but

If you’re after programmers for the switch console, just advertise for them. “The long dark” have advertised for experienced third party programers to come in to help with a switch port.

The sooner this is tackled, the better chance for sales through the online store with less competition. As mentioned before, it’s hard to find anything of decent quality on the switch these early days
 KC should use to their advantage and launch, especially with the hype of the console (ps4 and XB) receiving good reviews :slight_smile:

Not gonna happen sadly. The switch isn’t even powerful enough to run skyrim a last gen game on ultra so KCD wouldn’t run at all. The switch is just slightly more powerful then xbox 360. The game even looks and runs terrible on xbox one X the switch would probably explode if you tried to play this game on it.