Microsoft enabled mouse and keyboard support for its Xbox One console with latest patch (14 of November 2018) .
Are there any chances that my favorite game will support kb & mouse on Xbox One in the nearest future ?
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This game actually is more comfortable on controller, the combat and movement isnt like what it appears on the videos.
True, while I prefer playing with K&M instead of a controller when possible, KCD has terrible M&K controls with massive DPI scaling issues (not tweakable) and extremely unintuitive keybinds, you can remap them, but the remapping is super weird and inuntuitive too !
Many many things in the UI could be mouse driven by clicking on things, but no you have to press keys instead.
I still use K&M because of archery, but it’s really not very good otherwise.
need this so bad Archery is so terrible on the console I can’t deal PLEASE BRING MOUSE AND KEYBOARD SUPPORT!