Keyboard+mouse or joypad?

I have a PC so I’m used to playing with kb+m but this game seems to be built for console type controller with all the combos while fighting.
Has anyone tried both? Should I buy a joypad?

I used both when I was testing the Beta and I was able to perform everything just as well with both controls. I prefer the gamepad however and it is notably easier to learn how to fight with a game pad then it was KB and mouse.

The game has developed allot since the release of the Beta so it would be best to ask some of the QA testers. @ProkyBrambora got any insight on this topic?

I test the game almost exclusively on k+m but I had a chance trying it on gamepad.

If I were to compare the two, I would say that gamepad is little bit more comfortable when it comes to combat. And its easier to select bottom angles with gamepad than m+k.
But gampead has its own weaknesses so I think its pretty balanced.

You definitely dont need to buy a gamepad for this game.

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