Dear Kingdome Come Players,
I have a question about encountering Poachers in the game.
I have been playing Kingdome Come for a while now and encountered a couple of Poachers here and there during my adventures. Everytime but once when I encounter a Poacher he will always gey angry at me. He will begin to say that I need to sodd of / get out of here and if I dont he will eventually become hostile and start attacking me.
When this happens I ofcourse defend my self. A couple of times I noticed when fighting a Poacher that a window pops up telling me about my reputation getting damaged. If this doesnt happen and I kill the poacher I notice that when I want to pick up his bow or sword it says STEAL instead of pick up. Also when killing the Poacher you get one extra Civilian killed under your Crime Statistics.
What is this all about? Is this a bug ? or a normal part of the game? I mean I get it that when I attack a Poacher when hes not aggeressive towards me that I am doing something which is not right. I also get when I kill a Poacher when hes not hostile to me I kill a Civilian. But I never do that… I always only fight a Poacher when he begins to fight me, sometimes I even let hem hit me and still after knocking him out or killing him I get a rep damage or an extra point for killing a Civilian.
In could not understand why I had a couple of points under my Crime Killed a Cilivian statistic but now I know where this came from.
Awaiting your responses,