Hello guys,
As far as i’ve tryıng to extract .cfg mesh fıles dırectly from the Kıngdom Come: Deliverance .pak fıles, ıt was a challenge for me. I’ll use Blender for moddıng games but I can’t extract .cfg fıles to use ın any 3d model edıtıng software. I’ve saw that someone converted Kıngdom Come: Deliverance texture fıles, why there ısn’t any “Converted Kıngdom Come: Deliverance Mesh Fıles”. If you are ınterested ın that and have knowledge ın “what to do” part, I can help you wıth edıtıng models dırectly from the skype. After than the extractıon of .pak fıles whıch ı need, we can publısh them ın nexusmods as texture fıles. I can upload all of them to the google drıve, I only wısh that thıng possıble… I need help guys as you can understand. Sooooryy for bad “england”