✔Kingdom Come Lore

Ah I see… that is what you meant.

I do not know why I was thinking about portrait paintings like this:

But specificaly made for the game.
Silly me

I think Vladimír Javorský was quite good in this role.


I agree to @DrFusselpulli
I want a lore video about Sir. Racek Kobyla
Need to know more about my lord :smile:

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Okay I’ll try and cover all of these suggestions. However as I have already promised I am working on sigismund next- finishing some research as I type lol.


Damn… I missed about it… and it seems there is no way to see this movie again in german soon… :anguished:

It’s terrible, you didn’t really miss anything worth watching.


I don’t know about the movie quality, but Freix as you will surely agree it is allways good to increase your knowledge. Even with semi professional actors :slight_smile: @Berzelmayr what was the name of the documentation? I see only that it was on arteHD

I don’t really agree with that. If I imagine how British or American film makers had dealt with this subject, then I’m sure the result would have been both more stereotypical (I mean what people these days expect from the “dark ages” and especially from the catholic church) and also less authentic looking regarding settings, costumes and armor (think of the leather & knitted “chainmail” armor in “The Vikings” for example). If this was terrible than what was “Borgia” (also filmed in the Czech Republic) or “Da Vinci’s Demons”?

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I’m not gonna pretend that I’m an expert on mediaval clothing (or any other clothing, lol), but I believe @Hellboy when he says that the costumes in the movie are from different century than they should be, i.e. not authentic at all. I wouldn’t go so far to say that the movie is “raping history to the point of parody” as Dan went :smiley: , but I also think it’s pretty bad. I would actually prefer american movie that doesn’t pretend to be historicaly accurate and is at least entertaining.

Interesting, could you give me a link to that previous discussion about that TV-film?

He commented on it on facebook, it’s in czech so I’m not sure you will uderstand it. He basicaly says the movie is shit. :smiley: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.vavra/posts/10206961914875371


Jan Hus, after watching just a part of the first episode. Boring bullshit with terrible screenplay, awful actor performance, dreadful hipstr music from mr. Kocáb, and gruesome costumes.
But mainly raping history to the point of parody. Of course Mr. director and Ms. Screenplay writer does not tak in account that in 15th century people did not wear armor from 16th century.
Quality of picture is worse than from amateur guys using SLR worth 800usd.
Best thing is that I heard that people who give all their time to this issue (Hussite era) offered their help. That they will lend costumes for free. And no one ever answered them.
Because we Movimakers know everything.


Kingdom come LORE : Sigismund-

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Thank you for this translation, Proky. :+1: I’d like to address some of these points:

  • "Boring bullshit with terrible screenplay" Hm, the subject is rather dry of course, but I don’t think it was that dull.

  • awful actor performance" To me the acting wasn’t that bad, although there was some overacting by the guy who played Stepán Pálec with this constant wtf-face :anguished: :wink: and John XXIII/Baldassarre Cossa was depicted like some kind of mixture beween Berlusconi, Mussolini and a Mafioso :laughing:

  • "dreadful hipstr music from mr. Kocáb" Hehe, yeah it was rather strange to hear that kind of music :grinning:

  • "and gruesome costumes" I thought the costumes were actually way better than in bigger productions and there was none of these typical “knitted fake chain shirts” that a lot “historical” movies and tv-shows from the last ten years are still using (“The Vikings” for example). I saw that he was also complaining about the helmets, but to me they looked like an okay-variant of the kettle helmet/iron hat from this era, quite like this one:

  • "Quality of picture is worse than from amateur guys using SLR worth 800usd." I think that’s also too harsh.

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