✔Kingdom Come Lore

Hello Kingdom Come Deliverance fans. Today I start a series called Kingdom Come Deliverance Lore, in which I discuss the lore behind kingdom come and I talk about Wenceslas the fourth in this episode of the series.

Tell me if you want more of this lore series in the comments below!

I’ll just continue this thread with the whole series of KC:D Lore videos.



If you guys have any suggestions for the next Kingdom Come Lore episode, please feel free to share within a comment or reply :smile:

Some lore about the knight Racek Kobyla, this could be difficult to get but it would be highly important in the game because he will be our lord. Sigismund definetely has to go first. :slight_smile:

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I was planning on covering wenceslas then sigismund but i wasnt sure in which way I should go there after.

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Yeah, Sigismund is important and I am curious how your video about him will be.
Racek Kobyla is not known well, and you will have to check some czeck rescources to get some information about him, but he will be important character in game.

In your opinion how much did I miss on the important info for Wenceslas?

I think you had mentioned most important information about him, he will be a important character, but we will not see him. Maybe some thoughts about his life could be interesting too, like (as fas as I know) how his wife was killed by his dogs and how he get addicted to alcohol about that. This would show Wencelas as a not so nice character. But as we don´t will meet him in person, this is not this important it think.


It was a good overview, looking forward to the Sigismund episode. Maybe you could show a few historical images of the person here and there in the videos between the various in-game clips? They are not hard to find for these famous protagonists and I think it would look cool. :smile:


I was considering it but most of them are just old timey paintings so i decided against it. however I will do it now since youve asked :stuck_out_tongue:

What do you expect? Photos? :smile:
I think old timey paintings fit perfectly in the mood of game.

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I know It just felt weird. I tried to use the image that warhorse drew up for the beer but the light glare made it look bad and tobi couldn’t locate the raw images anywhere :frowning:

Ah okay… I see :smiley:

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But it will be done in future videos

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If you miss a drawing, maybe I can help you. I know how to draw

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That would be pretty cool. I’ll get in contact with you if I ever need help with that :slight_smile:

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hey, if you ever need help with finding some specific information that you cannot find in english, feel free to contact me and I can look for something in Czech.


I was curious what I can find about kiddnaping of Weceslaus IV. (Is it really pronounced /vencilo/ ? I believe not)
And I found this czech forum thread from around 2011 where there is a user asking precisely about this era. Especially what was happening in Bohemia.

Other users then shower him with references on books and other works.

Needles to say the name of that user is Hellboy.


@stalli111 maybe @TobiTobsen could ask the art team if they could provide a part of a painting for each important character of the game.


Assuming that in the game every important character will have its own painting?

I don’t think they’ll just have the animated characters. They need to draw them nevertheless in the art department, so the 3D modellers get an idea on proportions and facial structures. (At least that’s what I know of how creating a 3D model works)