"Large Memory Pages" bug in Windows (affects all file compression tools)

This is for the devs, but also important for everyone!
Windows 10 has a bug when “Large Memory Pages” is used as for compression tools like 7-Zip, or Installers that will fail to work correctly and may lose or corrupt data!

You can read about the problem here:

By default, all applications use 4KB pages.
But it’s entirely possible that this or an error like it corrupted some files of the last patch. It’s hard to believe that they would release a patch with that many errors without noticing a single one of them beforehand.
It’s been a few days, I think they found the error by now, and a patch will be coming very soon.

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Yes, that was exactly what I thought. This could be the reason why patch 1.4 broke, and even 1.4.1 is not free of broken content. I hope they repair it.

So are we safe if we don’t use 7-zip? I use winrar.

You are safe when you disable (or don’t enable) “Use Large File Pages” option. 7-Zip is still the best file compression tool.

+1 For WinRar…