Learning counterattack

No, we can not, for you talk rubish where you was not asked to talk at all. All the point you missed is in what you didn’t red properly.

It is not a bold language gives me upper hand but your dullness. And i dont’t give any crap about what you like or not, again it wasn’t asked but you speak. You’re useless and not wellcome to talk to me, try to comprehend and understand this at least now, and try not to be a vily pussy trying to have the last word after yourself regardless of how idiotic it looks.

I can confirm this bug. Counter attacks only work with longswords now. Other weapons won’t work at all. It would be nice if @WH_janrucker or @DrFusselpulli can confirm that the devs know of this .


known bug, already fixed and it will be part of future patch.

Have good day.

email: jan.rucker@warhorsestudios.cz

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Thanks man, really appreciate it :slight_smile:

One more thing.
There is a timeout. So if you are stucked in the training with Bernard, wait 5 minutes or so and the training will end.
Similar thing works for the archery contest (without loosing money).

Glad to hear it.

If you don’t mind, i’d like to know - is this forum an only way to report a bug, or there is another way, where report goes to tech support only, without any discussion with every Tom, Dick and Harry?

Our support email :slight_smile:

All I did was comment on how the combat system works for me, chill out dude.