Let! Me! Save!

Will you folks please let me save for free?

Imagine a playtime of ten hours. One player plays it in one go and makes use of auto saves and spends two, three bottlesaves.

A second player plays exactly the same game.
Just cookin is done. One bottle.
Baby cries. One bottle.
Work to do. One Bottle.
Oh, it is late. One Bottle.
Let me just play a few minutes in the free time. One bottle.
“Can you please walk the dog?” One bottle.
A friend calls and comes over. One bottle.
And so on and on. One bottle. One bottle. One bottle.

Both players have played the same game. Just one CHARACTER is an alcoholic and broke. And guess which PLAYER hates you for making such a safe system.

Sorry, saveing is an OUT OF CHARACTER mechanic that is required because we do have real lives. I applaud the the attempt to prevent tons of quicksaving and loading, but that is fundamentally MY decision.

Will you please do the sane thing and allow me to save the game when real life is in the way of playing this fine game? Thankyouverymuch.


i absolutely agree you


U could leave ur PS/PC/Xbox on :yum:

I like the system, but really miss the save on exit :frowning:

I deal with it with just alt-tabbing out of the game, instead on exiting it completely (unless I leave for long time of course).

And you can save in bed - there is plenty of beds. Use those beds.


The game might have gone a bit overboard when it comes to not being able to save. I had to go do some work so I wanted to quit the game to return later… and there is not save on quit, so I had to spend some more time to get to the next autosave point. It can be rather annoying.


Possibly my suggestion to the devs would be say a snooze action or something that you can only use after every X hours played.

I will give my personal viee once i get home and play

I like the system. It reminds me of “Ink Ribbons” from Resident Evil.
It helps that the drinks can be crafted.


I think the real issue is with how sparsely autosave points are placed in the game. If the game would autosave a little bit more often, the lack of a quicksave function wouldn’t be as bad.


Just ur own bed

Perhaps a save on exit, but when you return and die, you do not return to the point saved on exit but to time of the last normal autosave?


I don’t get why they kept with this. This is open world game with plenty of bugs and glitches to come, yet they force restrictions on saving the game. It’s like they pretend everything in this game will work as intented and only problem will be with me not doing it right.
Why something like quicksave is needed in these games is the fact, that it doesn’t have to be me who screwed up, it might be you Warhorse. Saving at anytime lets me control this very uncertain enviroment.
Also my last autosave when my game went down was 45 minutes ago - that’s a feature too?


The game is saved automatically after sleeping and can be paused just by pressing Esc. So what´s the problem?


It seems it’s not aimed on casual gamers.


No, this mechanic has a reason. It’s there, so you have to think you actions through. Not just do some random thing and reload if it goes wrong. And by the way, there is a difference between pausing and saving.


It really helps the immersion tho, there was already many many many times when I had to chose if I should risk the encounter or just run /sneak away… No other game made me so careful about my choices, in any other game I would just say fuck it, and risked getting my ass handed to me,while relying on easy f8


Still, a pause on exit to be able to continue from that point would be a nice feature.


There is no quicksave/unlimited manual saving? Jesus Christ.

My interest in this game just dropped like a rock. In an open world RPG, this isn’t a quirky design choice, it’s pure idiocy. I hope there are enough negative comments about it to hammer it into the devs’ heads once and for all. I’ll be eagerly awaiting a patch to fix this broken save system.


Personally I am against the unlimited saving, perhaps as a mod for those who want it. But when I am given the choice to save I just save scum before every important dialog, trying to find the optimal result I want. This way I am left with the uncertainty of what will happen and it allows me to RP my character more freely.

Just the lack of being able to quit the game whenever I want is a bit icky.


Not really a fan of the saving mechanic either, right now when I want to stop and am not near an inn or can’t fast travel, I need to find a place to sleep randomly just to save, in my opinion they should improve this system but I can understand they didn’t wanted to make it “to easy”.

Another thing that bugs me is picking up simple items, like herbs or flowers. Most of the time I have to stand in the right spot (camera angle) or it doesn’t show up the name to pick it up.

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I think the picking up is forced in this clumsy way, because the character actually has to be close enough to physically reach it. The animation sees where the item is and the hand really goes to the exact place of the object, so anything beyond arm’s reach is unpickable. But it can seem very clumsy indeed. I had to climb on a table to get my apples.