Let us examine the word BETA in the gaming industry

What state you in?

We use practice swords for PT.

Mmmm not sure i can tell you right now for operational security c:
(People are watching :O)

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Hahaha alright, another time then.

hat down big man!

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Greetings Comrades! This is the last weekly bump and man was that a long road to get to today! The forum itself was fun, the alpha and beta were fun (albeit nearly unplayable for me sometimes) and MY GOD have we come a long way! It was one heck of a journey.
Thanks everyone for tagging along with these weekly bumps. I think this should be the last one, but if you guys want me to, I’ll keep on bumpin.

Now, with all that being said…

And the credits were updated! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Have a good day and lets do this!


@RailBalco @McWonderBeast @SirWarriant @sirius @Wicker @213 @blacksmith @DrFusselpulli @Freix @snejdarek (? can’t spell his name) and whoever else!


Gratz with geting in the credits. :wink: Maybe, i’ll be with you, guys, sometimes. :sob:

Yea, the list will probably double next time.

Waiting for a chance to be in the credits. :relieved:

From what I’ve read, maybe you should continue with the bumps… :sweat_smile:

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oh no, who was complaining about beta?

Hey now all we need to do is create a weekly holiday and thread like Search Function Saturday!

We can teach everyone how to use a search engine!