Let us examine the word BETA in the gaming industry…
This post is designed to help backers understand what a BETA is. I am tired of seeing posts on several different forums of EARLY ACCESS games when people state things like “so disappointed in this game (beta) because it’s essentially unplayable…” and they judge the game itself on the BETA, which is ignorant and unfair to developers. So, let us delve into the word BETA and see EXACTLY what it is.
A BETA is a part of the game or sometimes the whole game released from developers for people to test and report bugs and to see what developers have been… well, developing. A BETA also gives testers a taste of what the final product MAY be like.
BETA’s are a WORK IN PROGRESS. I cannot stress that enough. WORK. IN. PROGRESS. It does not guarantee that you will have the same experience on the final product.
So before ANYONE backs a game to play a BETA KNOW that it CAN BE BUGGY. Usually forums of said BETA games have reports of bugs and their own experiences of the BETA. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING INTO WHEN BACKING A GAME.
There may be a correlation with BETA’s and releasing the game soon after. This is not always the case, (like KCD) and the final game may be delayed because of some groundbreaking bugs.
Resemble the final game. However, they may be similar.
Guarantee STABLE PERFORMANCE because there may still be (most likely be) bugs, low fps, and other stability issues because the developers usually have state of the art systems to develop games that common folk may not have. That is why BETA experiences vary from person to person.
ARE NOT demos. A DEMO is a part of the final product that gives people an idea on what the game is going to be like so they can decide whether to purchase it or not.
With that being said lets talk a little about the KCD BETA. WARHORSE WILL NOT UPDATE THE BETA ANY MORE TO FOCUS ON FINAL PRODUCT SO ANY BUGS RIGHT NOW WILL NOOOOTTTT BEEEE FIXXXEEDDDD!!! I see this every week or so on the forums like “will this bug be fixed?” and all they have to do is SEARCH FOR IT.
If you have not attained the KCD BETA let me say that experiences usually vary from person to person. But most experiences include low fps and “horrible performance”. Also there are quite a few bugs (such as a save game one that does not let you load previous games.) The beta is nowhere close to the final game.
I am not trying to offend anyone, but I had to say something about people judging a game from a BETA. I am so tired of it. Please read this and understand what a BETA is and spread the word. Copy and Paste if you want to. I don’t care as long as people know what a BETA is.
You can also replace BETA with ALPHA. ALPHA kind of resembles more of what I am talking about because a BETA is supposed to resemble more of the final game, but does not mean that it DOES resemble the final game.