Level 20 Henry owns the Rattay Tournament

Well ok … level 17 but 20 at strength and sword :smiley: I hope you enjoy the massacre!

I am somehow surprised how you get to blue screen (out of stamina) so often, you do not have reserve as I am used to play, not that you need it when you are overpowered. I just remember that I also beat Black Peter with such ease, I also found out pushing around your opponents is very useful, even early on, as you might meet those with lower strength than you. When fighting with free hands, opponents always seemed less aggressive and I was able to close the distance on them while using my higher strength to push them but once I drew weapon, they became aggressive. I do not know if you finished the game, but try to get into Vranik and train with the guy in there, I finally managed to beat him without weapon in one hour and half, he was using sword. I think you should not have problem with maxed out Henry. I learned much from training there.