List of Gamebreaking Bugs to avoid

Considering the virtrol of the fire that has spread around childish pricks unable to control their emotions and white-knighting reactors flocking into a prick beating contest, I think a more prudent solution for those experiencing bugs would be to indicate to people of the various bugs that can spell doom to their otherwise enjoyable experience. I’ll add a few that I know of, but if anyone wants to help contribute to the list reply on those gamebreaking bugs and help confirm the severity of these issues. I might be late to the bughunt game, but until the patches are up, who knows that this could help someone out. Always backup your save files if you’re concerned on losing save progression.

[Due to a more effective bug report system on this link, I’m going to just drop the link here that would be far more efficent at helping to solve this, thanks to Ash for sharing this.]

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Last gasp saves you once!

  • Immortal bug: happens when doing the Quest between a rock and a hard place when you wait with Matthew and Frits above the stone Quarry (avoid this by simply not waiting with em instead do other stuff until the last day they arive and save incase then wait manually by using your own skip time to noon)

*When trying to look at your Quest log save Just incase (the game likes to crash after 40 hours of gameplay everytime you want to look at your quests

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To avoid save losses for console make a back up on a external harddrive. Hope this helps a bit

What about drinking with the priest? On Xbox it seems once you do that quest NPC in Uzhitz end up having only a pickpocket option unless theyre a trader and, in my game, there are like 4-5 women around the tavern who just stand still. Even if I knock them out and move them, they stand up and just stand there. A lot of people are having this problem apparently so I thought I’d add it in.

Hmm, I’m not aware if the bugs are more common on XBOX, I assume that the bugs are universal.

I believe you mean that when the quest to talk to the priest about that bandit , you do not have that option?

is there a workaround or a solution to it?

• Masquerade quest, Oleana spawns well above the ground and falls to her death, making the quest impossible to finish.
(Regular PS4)

Need some confirmation from others, don’t believe I have encountered this quest and noticed that bug.

Sorry, masquerade is not a game breaking one…

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Cool cool. Its ruining some side quests but I’m not sure if I have to come back for main story or not, not that far yet. I just know a lot of people were complaining about it the other day. If its not game breaking, thats good to know.

I’d like to know when they’re fixing Robber Baron. It’s a decent quest and I’ve unlocked it but I don’t want to corrupt my saves

I tried it once by killing everyone but couldn’t talk to Bernard or Hans so I reloaded an old save instead. Then the work around was to apparently kill everyone yourself and then report back to Bernard without taking him with you. This also didn’t work and I had no dialogue options to tell him I had killed everyone already so now I’m just leaving it and waiting for a fix

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I’ve completed it but as soon as I talk to Bernard he sends me to Hanush. I talk to Hanush, get my reward and then from there on out saves corrupt and will not load. I knew about it, figured I’d try it out and sure enough I slept right after getting my reward to be unable to load. I really want this fixed because its a Hans quest and I’m hoping he has another hunting quest or something, I find Hans really entertaining lol.

I still don’t know if it’s related or not but I’m not the only one with the same act and consequences (I’ll try to minimize any spoiler here):
When you first meet Urban at the Monastery (the guard in front of the exterior door of the estate in the garden next to the old chapel), if you accept his quest about relics (Saintly Remains), be very careful and don’t forget about it!!
I did forgot and kept a relic on me. As Urban asked you to put the relic where it belongs after showing it to him, after a while he becomes agressive. This can have dire consequences for future stages of the mainquest! If you forgot about the relic and he attacks you, if you kill him it might provoke a break for a later quest (the Rocketeer) and you will be stuck in an infinite loading bug.
Again I don’t know if that’s linked, but I’ve seen a lot of report showing the same walkthrough that I’ve made. Now I’m stuck until I get an answer/solution from someone or WH, or I have to start the game from the beginning, so please be careful with Urban and his quest. You never know…

Masquerade quest. After trying on cuman armor, character turns completely black in menu. Does not go away

i see this game got some serious game testing before release yes :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, that is not the only problem with the “Saintly Remains” quest and Urban. The bug I and many other people encountered is that when you pick up the bowl of St. Procopius from the cave, then show it to Urban and he warns you to return it, when you come back to the original place where the bowl was, there is a prompt to press a key to return the bowl to its original position, but the button does nothing (if I had to guess, I would say it’s because it is a quest item and you can’t really drop those), therefore leading to the same consequences you described - Urban aggressive, yadda, yadda. Cost me a few hours of my save. I would consider this gamebreaking.

Another issue with this quest is that when I picked it up, I tried to talk to the Charlatan in Sasau to get a fake relic from him. However, whenever I talk to him while on the quest Saintly Remains, I get stuck in an endless conversation with Charlatan who doesn’t say anything and then I am forced to shut the game down and reload. The only reliable and bug-free way I found to solve the Saintly Remains quest is to dig up a bone from the cemetery.

@LordJulian There is a somewhat extensive bug post regarding the bigger quests in the game on the Kingdom Come subreddit, some of the bugs pretty severe, see here:


Thanks for the link Ash, I’ll provide the link instead, that guy has provided a far more extensive bug detail than I did.

I don’t knwo about the charlatan as I did his quest lany times later, and haven’t encounter any bug. About the bowl however, I don’t know if I did try right away, but when I was attacked the first time by Urban, I tried reloading just before going to the monastery and put back the bowl in the cavern. I achieved to put the relic back in place without issue, but it changed nothing regarding Urban: even with the bowl back in place (no longer in my inventory), he attacked e. I guess the timing was passed beyond repair…
I managed to get past Urban for Saintly Remains by killing him in his sleep (thus ending the quest without going any further) and later for the Rocketeer when, even if I did killed him before he reappears. I killed him again by shooting with my bow. But I had trouble after that with Konrad. I had to lure him out of his ofice to do the quest, if not when entering his office I got infinite screen loading. The first time I lured him out by killing Urban, the second time by killing a guard inside the house. The goal is to remain concealed and wait for someone to find the corpse and alarm everyone, making Konrad flee outside, making it possible to speak with him and doing the quest. Otherwise I was stuck for good.
I did not try to make a new game yet and making Saintly Remains with a good timing or without forgetting the relic, so I don’t know how far this quest is bugged… The problem for this kind of issue is that not everyone have the same amount of damage… I managed to work this out, but I saw other didn’t at all.

Saintly remains quest - even after patch 1.3.1, the bowl can not be returned to the cave. Just tested.

@Warhorse: maybe remove the quest item status from the bowl? So it can be “thrown to the ground” as happens with bird cages when catching the nightingales?

I also had the bug with the bowl, and am unfortunately still carrying around the bowl, unable to drop it or replace it. I haven’t gone back to see Urban, but I’m guessing from this thread that he will be aggressive. I can’t reload, that was like half the game ago…hope they fix this.