Livestock for Pribyslavitz

I’m trying to build a butcher’s for the village but can’t find livestock to buy? I assumed the stables would provide but haven’t built it yet and it doesn’t say anything in the ledger?

check your map. If see green markers then they are your resource run locations including buying live stock

You can buy it at the butcher in sasau f.e.

also ratay but Sassau is cheaper and the guy won’t be mad at you 'cuase of the refugees in rattay.

Ledetschko is the cheapest… only 30 Groschen.

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Cheers everyone :ok_hand:t2: Can’t see any markers for locations… but I have everything now anyways

Do you also feel 30-50 Groschen for livestock is more than ridiculous?! :smiley:
I pay thousands of groschen for stone…but just a few bucks for Beef???
(the same for Corn, btw)

You pay 3 or 4 Thousand for the stone but only once…
For the livestock, grain and charcoal you pay everyday… so it matters :slight_smile:

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I don’t think many players read & realize that part in their rush to do the DLC.

aaaaaah kk…thx 4 info