Livestream discussion

Obviously its still a work in progress but how are people feeling so far? Enjoy the live stream? Hate everything?

I’m liking it so far. But the voices need some work (yeah, its a placeholder) and the necks seems bizarre when they look to the side. The map is nice.

ups he grab the sword in the blade! =x

I’m liking the general design style. Definitely agree with them about reworking the voices from the general Shakespearean style to something more contemporary. Not having to wait through a loading period every time you enter a building in an area is also nice.


The country side looks beautiful .


Was that a slow-motion during the fight? I mean that weird sound.


One thing I didn’t like was the actual fight in the forest. Either the blood effects need to not show up after every hit or the sound needs to change to more of a “thud” from the sword hitting thick padding. If someone were actually stabbed as much as they were then there would be no blood left in their body. I understand that more heavily armored fights wouldn’t end in a few sword swings but to me that seemed like they were almost super-human.


Hope we can disable motion blur ><…

@Hitokage yeah that sounds weird


Otherwise I think the game looks gorgeous. Exploring KC is going to be quite a joy.

It was mentioned the difficulty of that forest fight was made to be greater in order to help show a variety of attacks.

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Well an increase in difficulty would make sense for fights lasting longer but in that case like I mentioned maybe toning down the blood effects would be a good move to make the appearance remain accurate. I’m watching at university so unfortunately the volume is down so I missed the explanation but thank you.

I’m not abled to watch the stream, because it is blocked by the German “GEMA” institution. Man, that sucks, hopefully we Germans will be able to watch the stream afterwards :confused:

use this
Bei mir läufts :wink:

Dan mentioned that once the Kickstarter project is over their own shop will probably have most of the tiers available for similar prices, and swords may be able to be purchased as well, though they may not be of as high a quality as the Kickstarter versions, nor inscribed.

Danke, nur leider bin ich gerade nicht am PC, und ĂĽber das Tablet wĂĽrde es eigentlich funktionieren, nur leider die GEMA mal wieder - man meint, die sind nur dazu da, um den Leuten den Tag zu vermiesen.


The world already looks astounding! Cant wait for them to smooth out the animations etc. Also all the hair needs work, especially the beards. I want Henry to have a massive warriors beard!

Looks Epic soo far! :smile:

This really does look amazing! I’m so excited to see how much better they can make it over time. I certainly agree about the voices being more contemporary. That video confirmed that I would feel less involved if they talked like that.

the cutscenes were interesting. anyone see brian blessed? :wink:


strange fight… enemy stabbed him about 5 times and he was still alive!!! stabbes from swords are going realy easily through the gambeson … hope they will fix it…