Lockpicking is impossible on console

for consoles… getting (more/better) vibration feedback (when in sweet spot, about to break) from joystick would be much appreciated

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It´s pretty difficult with mouse and keyboard aswell, i guess this is the intention. Practice is quite important in this game abd you don´t have to pick even a single lock to complete the game.
So if you wanna play as a gangsta stop crying and get some skill.

That’s good and all. But it still does not change the fact, if you choke a guy out on a path in the middle of the woods. Carry his arse deep into said woods. Impale your sword into the arseling. Then loot said arseling’s corpse. That every shop keeper from Rannay to Timbuktu will know exactly how you got the items and that they are stolen.

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Melee training was incremental and thorough. to me, great. lockpicking? less so. you’ve got an expert to ‘help’ you with lockpicking, and he doesn’t.

not my experience… if you let the hot items cool off

Why would I need to let items from a wanderer murdered in the woods “cool” off? Please explain that logic to me.

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3 things: (1) trees have eyes (you never know who’s watching), (2) fishiness (you’re selling me guard weapons/armor characteristic of city X), (3) difficulty of programming theft awareness. beyond them, no reason to expect cool off period

if you can find a fence, there’s no cool off period

i’ve not played the game for long, im just wandering around like i always do, but you do get the hang of lockpicking, the trick is to go fast on the left stick, i was going really slow and kept failing and then read something online and tried going faster and it makes it alot easier.

Wayfarer doesn’t mean traveler anymore? It means well known and recognizable heraldic emblems adjourned all over? If a pawn shop today will buy questionable stuff with things like serial numbers. I’m supposed to believe these guys put morals before coins? I find it fascinating how people preach realism to defend one point. Yet could care less when it’s not at all behaving in this cherished realistic manner. What ever though, I appreciate your tips.

so what you’re looking for is the regular vendor who will buy ‘questionable’ goods for a discounted price. thought i saw a playthru (beta?) were that very thing happened.

do miller peshak quests and other millers become fences.

A fence is a known vendor who deals specifically in illicit goods. My point is if people today will risk questionable items with tracking numbers. Guys who should have no utter knowledge of how I got the pants magically say, “This item is stolen.” Well that’s complete BS. If I deprive a man of his breeches in the soling solace of a forest. Then that merchant should not know. I don’t care what excuse about coding or that there are fences you can muster. I care merchants magically know items are stolen that they should not. I care that there is not a balance when I’m punished by the realistic difficulty of survival and punished by unrealistic magical omniscient merchant guild.

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fair enough. one last ‘realism’ thought: medieval Bohemia wasn’t the world of mass produced goods. so appearing with loaded to the gills with goods (valuable - due to limited, idiosyncratic production) for resale might very well have been unusual and suspicious behaviour in and of itself

It doesn’t matter if it’s one item. “Hey got this off a bandit since you know they literally got me cutting off guys ears eggh. Ahhhh those nobles got to love em. So how much?”

“This item is stolen”

“Well I know like you said remember the bandits I killed last time and brought all that loot? It’s more of those guys.”

“This item is stolen”

How do you go about doing that?

Sorry I interrupted your question but yes the millers are the fences and thieves quest

Is anyone else on Xbox one having an issue with the lock picking glitch back to the center?

Hehe I’m having trouble enough on pc. :smile:

Help out your friends, and they in turn will help you :wink:

This I actaully agree with.