Anyone else having this issue? I get about 40-60fps on Very High with the occasional low 30s in Rattay or a large settlement, but during cut scenes my FPS goes down to like 10.
Built a new RIG with Ryzen 7 2700x and a Sapphire Nitro+ RX580, 16GB DDR4 3200 ram, and a standard 7200rpm HD, Windows 10 PRO.
All my drivers are up too date, including MOBO bios which was giving performance issues on the Ryzen 7 with legacy drivers; until I updated it.
With my old rig I had the same video card with an i5-4690k, slower ram (Think it was DDR3), windows 10 pro and a standard 7200rpm drive I had a little less performance during game play but my cut scenes were usually maxed out frame rates…
Anyone else having this issue? Is this a patch issue or maybe a Ryzen issue?
EDIT – My GPU is probably a bottleneck for my CPU or no? It’s over a year old and wasn’t even considered high-end, more of a Medium-High tier card…