Made a wiki for Kingdom Come

Not that sure about that category. But yeah ,made a wiki for Kingdomcome. Come on and help out and add stuff to it. Not sure if can post link so http:// kingdomcomerpg. wikia . com at end

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Very nice. There are two other wikis started for KC:D, but there haven’t been any additions to them at all. Hopefully the community will start adding what info we have.

I think the problem with starting a wiki at this point is that we know so little about the game, and release is a long way off, it’s going to be difficult to maintain interest in one single wiki.

As Accia said, there’s already two other wikis for KCD. A wiki is only as strong as it’s content and it’s contributers. Having multiple wikis for the same thing leaves you with multiple average and incomplete resources rather than one excellent one.

I hope publicising it here gets people on board and it becomes that single awesome wiki. Best of luck!

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Oh. I didn’t know about that. Well I plan to add some notes about the features coming to the games and pictures. And thanks!! :slight_smile:

Is it this one?
You should maybe write about 10 articles before you can expect it to be picked up by others. There should also be a basic graphical theme. I’ve never seen a raw wiki that has done well. Are you familiar with web design or do you know anyone who could help you out? I do some web programming at work but I’m not the man for optics.

I know some basic web design, but I’m not a professional at it. It would be nice if you could help out :slight_smile:

As I said, I’m not a designer but a programmer and scripter. I do the stuff that is already accomplished with the wiki framework.

Could you post the links to those wikis (or to the best one)?

There is the IGN Wiki and the gamepedia Wiki. :slight_smile:

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