Making Henry NOT Godlike

We’re all quite aware that after mid-game Henry comes rather unstoppable. I myself just read that in the upcoming 1.3 patch the combat for higher leveled players will be tweaked so it’s not so absurd. As soon as a respec option is added I’ll be using it to remove any and all of the over powered combat perks like sadist and headcracker, just to name two.

Right before I hit mid game I was still struggling with fights all the time and after Baptism by Fire I had enough loot to sell in Rattay that I could afford Herod’s Sword. Big mistake. I’ve since stopped using Herod’s sword and have reverted to using the lesser longswords so I’m actually able to use combos in fights and duels without one shotting the opponent. Personally I think I shouldn’t have to nerf myself in order to keep the game challenging, but I am.

I’m also about to switch from almost a comeplete harness of plate armor to little more than a gambeson, just so I can run the risk of being killed again. It’d also be a bit more historically accurate than an armed peasant running around with a longsword and full plate of the dozens of highly trained knights he’s slaughtered over the course of 40 hours.

I have to say despite the flaw of becoming an untouchable god, I love this game. Seriously this is the RPG I’ve been looking years for and now that I have it I’m enjoying the hell out of it. If the mid to late game combat could be scaled in a way so that every fight is like it is at the beginning of the game, where you just barely survive due to tactics and thinking rather than DPS numbers I’d be ecstatic.