Do you know if you can return to Silver Skalitz after you leave it? I just realized that it is too far away from the Beta locations.
Sazava and Skalice were moved a bit in the game map to fit into it. Skalice was moved approximately to the place where you can find the village Radvanice in the real world. And Sazava moved a bit up the river to the next curve, which is a bit wider here in the game, than it is in reality.
This is probably the biggest difference of the map in Kingdom Come: Deliverance compared to the real world, where you still can walk from Sklaice to Talmberk on foot.
I just spotted Silver Skalitz on other map I had. On the left under cloud.
And it is similar to act 1 sketch.
I was confused by river around Sazava as there is added stream towards Silver Skalitz, which is absent in real life and Sazava river is curved more downwards to leave space for added Skalitz stream. Sazava monastery is also near river - to the left but is not visible on the map separately.