Markvart von Aulitz spoilers

Do we fight or kill him? I heard you don’t even avenge your father in the story?

Ends in a cliffhanger, you basically don’t do anything you strive for.

Lol, great sumerization. Couldn’t have said it better. I mean at least you got to kill Runt. But that’s about it…

My thoughts:
Trailers showed massive sieges with people using crusade banners and Austrian banners and Sigismund’s.
Markvart von Aulitz is Austrian and Sigismund just finished a crusade aganist the Turks, Austrians probably backed him or joined voluntarily, Arch-enemies confirmed.
The Austrians side with Sigismund and get rekt by Henry single-handedly.

Yeah the “big battles” were just tiny ones loading screen after loading screen :frowning_face: oh and a siege was just stand still for 3 days

You can see various Austrian/Hungarian styled banners in this video, the guy talking isn’t relevant just look at the banners, that explains how much is missing, pretty much :smiley:
Those are very clearly European armored foes fighting under an Hungarian banner.

I forgot about that video. Gonna go cry irl rn

Wow, I wouldn’t have cared about the other stuff, but not killing that guy bugs me… Like I love this game and I was so on the fence worried if I would enjoy it… Sigh, at least the questing and combat is better than any other game. The story is so good, stinks to have no solid conclusion. Thanks guys, I won’t stop playing cause honestly after the wait, it’s so worth it. And the characters are so good I can live without an ending. But it will bug me a bit lol.

My bet is that Act III or a DLC will come within 9 months or so, a big DLC though, probably as big as the story, as it will probably contain one major battle and one or two major sieges as the trailer shows two different Austrian castles.

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Spent the 3 days of the siege getting my skills leveled up, getting all my gear in order, and getting stocked up on hundreds of piercing arrows all in preparation for what i assumed would be a massive battle to take Talmberg back.

Fast forward to the actual battle… turns out to be 2 tiny little skirmishes that last less than 5 mins and then the game is over. Like…are you fucking kidding me??? I loved this game overall, but the end especially made me feel like it was worth $30 at the most.

Oh no, it’s well worth the full price, I have yet to finish the train easy fight hard quest yet, and I’m 19 hours in. The melee combat is incredibly satisfying, I actually feel accomplished getting money in this game by hunting. Granted I hunt with a sword, but I get rich fast. I wish bow combat was better but other than that, it’s a perfect RPG. Given that Skyrim story and characters were nowhere near as captivating, detailed and memorable. I also love the organic feel of the quest design, and the arms and armor are some of the best I’ve ever seen, to top it all off the game world is easily the most gorgeous and mind blowing one I’ve experienced. Seriously I just stand in awe of the streams and lighting, not to mention I just stop and look around as if I’m in a 3d painting. Yes I’m a bit high, but that’s the best way to play, sucks you right in. I feel like I am living in the mid ages.

That trailer is depicting the battle of Grunwald in 1410. Still not sure why it was included in the trailer, but we’ll probably see it in future acts.

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In game codex Markvart von aulitz died 27.12.1402 ,and game take place in 1403 so :smiley:

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I have theory on Markvart at bottom of this thread, lemme know what you think. Act II Discussion - MAJOR SPOILERS

My thoughts are to find Markvart von Aulitz or See Istvan Toth in the Bergow castle and do a stealth mission to gain the sword, then, something like a duel with Sir Markvart von Aulitz or See Istvan Toth, then try to convince Bergow to be in part of Jobst or something like that. But these are only thoughts, my thoughts.