So there is one question I sometimes ask myself. How does Martin Klíma (ex-Codemasters) and Viktor Bocan (ex-Bohemia Interactive) fit in the same team?
Does it work well, or are there some troubles about the past? Does they even talk about what happens in the past?
How does Viktor feel about about Operation Flashpoint Dragon Raising, while Bohemia Interacitve had lost their title because of the dispute between Codemasters and Bohemia interactive. I mean, Operation Flashpoint Cold war Crisis was the big game of Bohemia interactive and Viktor was its Lead Designer, it was his child like Mafia I was the one of Daniel Vávra. And than after the clash, Codemasters got the name and Boheima Interactive had to start with the ArmA series.
I do not doubt in the skills of Martin Klíma, he surely know how to do his job and maybe he is a friendly person (don´t know him, so I can say nothig about him). And now they have to work together in this czech allstar dreamteam Warhorse. This even gives me a strange feeling, how do they think about it? How do they think about their past?
Is there still a kind of beef between ex-codemasters and ex-bohemia interactive? Is Viktor mad or can he forgive about it?
and I am not the only one: