Mastering archery?

I have been practicing archery and Id say 1 in 4 shots hit, I am improving but is there anything in general to help predict where my arrow will land? seems most of my shoots have to be close range.

Level up your archery skills - hunting is the easiest I find. The higher your skills, the better your aim (ingame) and thus the smaller the ‘spread’ of your shots. Also, using a stronger bow will reduce the drop-rate of the arrow inflight, and in my opinion, make it easier to aim as your have to account less for arrow-drop.

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Go hunting and build up your strength. Rabbits are easy prey.

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Use a bow that is within your skill level. If you use a bow that has a higher strenght and agility requirement it will make it harder for you to hit the target. Also make sure your character is well rested and fed. Being tired and hungry can also reduce acccuracy.

Tip: find some tape that is easy to peel off. Cut the tape into 2 very small lenght and thin strips. While your weapons are put away, put the tap over the dot in the middle of your TV or Moniter screen and use that as a cross hair for aiming.

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There are like a host of 3rd party software that will do that for you without the hassle of tape. Thought honestly I consider it cheating, but it’s a singleplayer game, so who cares?

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Unless you are on a console where you can’t used those 3rd party software.

I believe they exist for consoles aswell.

Edit: Some monitors/TV also come with this on their own, regardless of OS or system.

Gaming consoles are not like PCs. You can’t use 3rd party software that the company themsevles haven’t approved of. So the software you are refering to doesn’t exsist on the console. Unless it is a mod through the game itself like for Bethesda’s game, which is technically not a 3rd party software.

Consoles doesn’t have the same type of hardware and software to be able to support the same type of 3rd party software that PC has.

You ahem can, that doesn’t mean it’s legal but whatever, symantics right? Just like keyboards on console - it exists and almost commonplace.

edit: i might clarify that by “legal” i meant in terms of the gameplay - and what is considered cheating, or not. but this applies to PCs as well. The limit here is not console-related, but more in the willingness of the owner to mod their console.

Actually no. On these newer generations of consoles it is much harder to put 3rd party software on there. You can do it, but is almost impossible, and you really have to know what you are doing, other wise you will damage the system itself. Also Microsoft and Sony are cracking down really hard on 3rd party software they haven’t approved of and will IP ban the console itself. And since the IP of the console cannot be modified like your internet IP, the system stays permently banned. Microsoft and Sony is not going to let 3rd party software happen like it did on the older Xbox 360 and PS3 generation. So the risk of modding your system is not worth the reward.

Lol. IP Ban. hahahahahahahaha

But in all seriousness, I think this argument is well over-done at this point. But in return to the OP - leveling up archery is the easiest way. There is also a command on console that will enable you to show a dot reticle anyway. give me a sec and i’ll edit in here. I believe it is already available on consoles - or soon will be.

edit: the command is: wh_pl_showfirecursor 1

edit #2: there is also a mod for this on the nexus for PC players if they want that instead of the existing command, havn’t tried it but it exists

Console IP. Consoles have a factory IP installed into them that cannot be changed, and are in a registury of the company that made it. Of which now when the company bans a player, they ban the console and not their internet IP

Correctiong is Console ID not IP, it’s the ID they ban

I have found that you literally just have to aim slightly to the bottom right of your target

So wherever your target is, move your arrow point about an inch to the bottom right. most times you hit it or get very near

Nexus: Bow Dot Reticule mod It is basically a CFG file that goes in the main game folder. Still works for 1.6