Medieval toilets

Never heard this phrase. But, yeah, maybe this’s the hidden message in it. :joy:

There is also a saying about Martin Luther. It seems he hasn’t said it but it fits into his era.

»Ihr rülpset und furzet nicht, hat es euch nicht geschmecket?«

I try to translate:
“You aren’t burping and farting, so didn’t it taste?”

Whip? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I believe that honor went to their Masters or Dominatrixes … But yeah, I know you meant wipe, but I just couldn’t resist. :grin:

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I am not sure if people actually used them. I know nobles shit behind the curtain even after Louis the 16th of France. Might not be in more pleasant countries but I high doubt peasants used more as a hole in the ground.

Well, peasants likely just shat unto the manure pile on the farm, where every other one of gds creatures excrement went.

Maybe at night you dumped it in a chamber pot, and threw it out netx morning.

I villages and towns, there often were trash holes to dump everything, every sort of waste, and some latrines, the lovel little holes with a few boards on top, resembling a tiny house.
But in cities, much was just thrown into the gutter and the sides of the street, and occasionally some poor sod shoveled it away…

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The Best Shit

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As far as I know, there is even one quest dealing with this shitty topic… :smiley:

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R.I.P. honor & glory. I will never look at KC:D the same way.

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