I love GoT… but it is fantasy. Sure mostly low fantasy and the story is plausible much of the way, (at least when we are talking the civilwar and not dragons and the wall) But we are talking the TVseries and not the books, And some of the arms and armor don’t make much since from a historical point of view… (like the armor used by the kingsguard)
whoever wrote “Vikings” have read 5% of the sagas and then invented the rest. The vikings knew very well where England was before they started raiding. The characters is inspired by historical persons that lived in the 9th century…(long after the attack at lindensfare.) But my main problem is not the store as such but the materiel culture.
The clothing, arms and armor is rather far from what we do know about the material culture of the vikings.
Well, At least they do use shields with a center grip…
But I still watched the first season and will watch the second.
Arn - The Knight Templer. (exist as 3 versions: one movie, two movies and a 6part Tvseries)
Ironclade - (again a lot of problems in regard to the real history, but this good entertainment)
Black Death - (low budget movie with Sean Bean. Again not really historical, maybe even fantasy… but still medieval-sih)
Kingdom of Heaven…
Henry V
Ivanhoe (the many different versions)
the main problem with “middle age / medieval period” is that when that was depend on the country.
In Denmark its 960ties/1066/1080 depending who you ask… until 1536.
Before that we had the viking age. The brits often use 1066 as the start of the medieval period.
In Main land Europe the rein of Charlemange is often used as the start…
In spain it is again different.