Miller Woyzeck being a hypocrite... *spoilers*

So I do the mission for Miller Woyzeck to steal the 5 waffenrocks from the Talmberg armory. I get there and pickpocket the guard, get the key, and also steal from the nobles bedrooms while they slept. I ended up over encumbered and decided to steal a horse from the stables because, well…I’m a thief and I’m walking slow af :smirk:

I get back to Woyzeck, jump off the stolen horse beside his house, and then I talk to him and get my reward. I ask for another job and he wants me to steal a horse from the Merhojed stables and I accept. I sell my loot and jump back on the stolen horse for transport because I have yet to do the mission where you get the free horse. I’m focusing on developing my thief skills before I become the whole honorable knight type role. When I jump on the stolen horse, Woyzeck takes off running through the field across the water in a panic. Seriously? Lol…

You want me to steal a horse but freak out when I jump on one I JUST stole to bring back your precious waffenrocks so you can have your revenge satisfaction. Lol I love this game a whole lot, and I mean an extreme amount but this game just has unexpected things left and right. Daniel Vávra was right in the recent Warhorse Studios video on their Youtube channel. Playing the game and doing random things causes the game to react weirdly down the line in odd ways. I think I’m going to just hold off and wait for the new patch!

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