Mittelalter Markt vorgestellt (offtopic)

Hallo, solange es noch kein “off topic deutsch” Bereich gibt, bin ich so frech und stelle hier einen Mittelalter Markt vor! :wink:
Da hier viele Mittelalter-Geschichtlich-Interessierte unterwegs sind, könnt Ihr hier einen Mittelalter Markt vorstellen.

Mein Tipp kommt aus Süddeutschland, genauer aus meiner Region, dem Hochschwarzwald:


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I just wonder… are there any such events closer to Bohemia proper? (especially the large ones). Something in Saxony, Thüringen, Bavaria, Brandenburg for example?

Every little town here has this kind of event, yet they’re rather small and mostly medieval in name only (just some performers, few musicians, few stalls…) :slight_smile:

I’m totally sure there are medieval markets in Saxon, Thuringia, Bavaria or Brandenburg too.
I looked short on google and find this for example: (Machinery Google Translation)
Edit some search:
Marktkalendarium (Machinery Google Translation) (Machinery Google Translation)
also (Machinery Google Translation)
Medievel Markets :wink: I only find the information for the Riedern Monastery Medievel Market in my Facebook and thought some of you find this interesting and would post some markets too?! :wink:

And wow! I’m so hot for a good Medievel Market, so closer “Kingdom Come” comes near :fireworks::grinning:

Edit: Her is a Map for Medieval Markets in Germany, Switzerland and Austria:

Something worth taking a look at is the “Landshuter Hochzeit” (= Landshut wedding). It takes place every four years in Landshut, four weekends in a row. Starting next Friday. There is a huge parade with ~2.000€ participants, a jousting tournament, a fencing school, a medieval dance… and a lot more. I’ll go there in three weeks. However the lances are balsa wood, still good, but not “real”.

If you want real jousting you need to go to the Veste Coburg in August. From the 9 - 13 August there will be a tournament. I’ll help there the whole time, if you want to you can drop by for a little chat :wink: (No idea why the homepage is only available in German…)


Das Bayerische Fernsehen berichtet am Sonntagnachmittag (9. Juli) live von der Landhuter Hochzeit:


Gut das es Mediatheken beim Öffentlich-Rechtlichen gibt, hab es doch glatt verpasst! :alarm_clock:
Landshuter Hochzeit BR Mediathek, sollte mindestens noch bis zum 6.8.17 in der Mediathek zu finden sein. :tv: :popcorn:

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