Mod to Improve Lord Divish's Voice

Will there be a mod to completely replace the voice of Lord Divish. Nothing against the Voice Actor, but I think the voice actor of Lord Divish voice actor was miscasted. The way his voice sounds to how he looks is immersion breaking and unrealistic for a game that claims total immersion and almost total realism.

hmmm. refresh my memory, is he one of the americans? I agree, it is sad that they decided on using american voice actors. But there are also new zealand accents there too. Its not game breaking for me, I just try and remember who has the misplaced accent and skip the audio in conversations. Maybe some nice modder will eventually create a mod to rectify it.

I thought divish’s voice acting was spot on. I thought hanush’s was a little off at first, probably because he sounds nothing like Daniel vavra who he was modeled after. Are you thinking of him or no your sure it’s divish?

Lord Divish is the Old Guy who looks like a good version of Count Dooku. Lord Hanush is the fat guy that looks like Henry VIII of England, his voice is spot on. Domineering and Boorish. Lord Divish however sounds like a young 20 year old despite looking 70 year old. In other words he sounds like a pipsqueak.

Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) as Lord Divish


Okay just making sure we were talking about same person. I thought it was perfect I guess I’ll have to listen to him to see what you mean

I dont mind Lord divish voice actor is more of a calm and collected type of voice but i do agree it does not fit him he sounds 40 years younger than he should it threw me off at first and i was like man this guy has a soft voice for a guy of his stature

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Ugh divish was cast terribly. Just sounds wrong altogether. Instantly thought wait a minute this guy talking is in his twenties. For a main character too. It has been noticed alot.

The priest had great lines and great scenes. Again the voice actor way off the age. Not as bad as divish but seriously some of it was just read out not acted out. And that’s a damn shame because it was a great bit.

Frankly I don’t like the American voice actors. They all sound like they are reading the back of a cereal box. And any emotion is forced. Really let’s alot of the decent work on the writing down.

Some of the random peasants you meet have better more believable acting going on .


Michael Gambon?

He’s the only one I didn’t like. Sounds more like a balding, 30-year-old, hipster Starbucks employee.


frelmedieval … ye art a darn legend
Make a mod to make Divish Blackadder. Do it

I was taken aback by his voice aswell but now I have a pretty solid theory on the voice.

These were barbaric times and this man was locked in a dungeon by a competitor for some time. Is it too far fetched his “manhood” was removed? Would it really be that unlikely? Wouldn’t that give him the childish/feminine voice he now has? As far as I am aware, didn’t Lady Stephanie say the guy can’t perform and they don’t have any heirs?

That is very interesting! I personally do like the voice of Sir Divish, very much so!
Cannot judge a lot, since I’m not a native english speaker. To me, together with the demeanor, it seemed quite sophisticated and softly authorative.

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I thought that Divish was acted really well.

I thought his voice sounded appropriate for the age of the character.

The US or Canadian accent was a little disconcerting though. But, then again, in the game setting no one would have an English accent so… ya know.

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Some kids think that old people should sound like they have throat cancer
While in reality voice has almost nothing to do with age
That’s it