Monty Python References

If there are jousts you could subtlety place in an npc named Ulrich von Liechtenstein (from Gelderland). But don’t overdo it.

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An easter egg is something that the player will find in a hidden / less obvious spot. Something like finding the limbs of the Black Knight in the woods, that’s an easter egg. If you have to work towards that easter egg or reference, then it’s quite okay.

But let’s say you visit a village for the first time and get to hear some Monty Python quotes or even “re-enacted” scenes, that’s when I don’t agree with it.

Yeah it is sarcastic and dark humor, but sometimes I got the feeling it’s going a bit too far. But that’s just the first impression I had, maybe I missed some not so harmful examples. :smile:


I believe that no one here had this in mind.
You know even “re-enacted” scenes can be just on the background. Ofcourse if it is thrown up in your face it is no longer an easter egg… well, unless it is well hidden phrase in a speech for example.

Remember the Game of Thrones… when Dany came to the walls of Mereen there was a taunting from champion of the city.
He shouted in low valarian some insults, this is what he called: “Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries”

This kind of reference is practically invisible, but it shows how deep can the bunny put his eggs.

Czech people like dark humor?? Check out this fake commercial on Rick and Morty. Its making fun of our Lucky Charms brand in the US. sry to go off topic…

Now you decide if your argument is still valid :wink:

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I have to say I agree with @YuusouAmazing when he says that Easter eggs/references should be small and you need to put some effort to find them, not having pop culture references thrown into your face every second because I understand that’s not what this game is about.


That’is my stance on it.

I loved Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I also love Easter eggs.

There is just something about a pop culture reference such as this that feels out of place for me, especially since its a reference to a film that does not stick to realism or even being historically accurate.

It just feels counter intuitive to the tone KC:D is trying to set.


It is.
There are no specifics.
He could just do that but be so far that you would hear him just fainthly.

In other words you cannot tell with certainity what exactly was meant by this comment.

But i admit that i should have not spoke for the others.

I had this feeling with a certain trailer for a fantasy game:

If you don’t know what I mean, listen closely to the music. Then compare it to what you see right there and what you would actually imagine to see when you hear that music (at 34 seconds).


I kinda agree with you.
But it all depends on how the story and the whole world will be made.

Of course Wenceslaus would not ask you what is the “high speed velocity of flying swallow”. But i believe that some subtle reference in some side quest would hardly damage the game.

Still i wish to say that i am not desperately trying to push some M.P. easter egg into the game. I am just saying that there must be a way how to do it without impact on immersion.

Cheesy sales attempt there.

Right, I don’t think its necessarily damaging (most people want to see this, youtube comments all over about wanting MP references) I just have personal preference against it.

On a personal level all pop culture references in any game break immersion for me, its forgivable but a pet peeve.

Guys… stay calm about it, Warhorse is already working hard on the three headed knight. :wink:

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thats it im sold . where do i place my 100th order of this game :slight_smile:


Yeah dude… Lord of The Rings. I heard it. It took me completely away from whatever that game is and put me in the Lord of the Rings universe.