Most Annoying Enemy You've Ever Faced

What is the most annoying enemy you’ve ever faced? I’m not talking about the most powerful enemy (though it might be both for some), I’m talking about something that you would pay 100gp an in-game day just to never encounter again (or have exterminated).

For me, it’s the cliff-racer from Morrowind. Damn thing was like a flying rodent, appeared in every climate on Vvardenfell, regardless if it made sense. And it had a cry that was more annoying than a baby on an airplane. It is possible. Not to mention that unless you went to great lengths to avoid it, it would lock onto you like it had radar, and it wasn’t even a challenging fight. The thing was a suicide flying rat that would fire a blow-horn into your ear until you killed it. No wonder Jiub was made a Saint.

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Possibly the fetus demon from Koudelka ( of Playstation ). Made a annoying baby cry on encounter, used to freak me out as a lad. Not particularly interesting, but there it is.

Mass Effect 3 Banshees, they are annoying, they are a terror on insane difficulty and they are kiiind of awesome. They are tanks, they are casters, they can teleport and they can one-hit you in melee. Good night and godspeed!

Aaaand one of them landed right on top of me right in the instant of the autosave before the final battle, took down my shield and insta-killed me in 4 of 5 reloads, because that battle isn’t hard enough on insanity. Thats why I chose the Banshee, but there are probably enemies that are more annoying on default.

Maybe not the MOST annoying, but certainly up there: Drones in Halo.

DeathClaws in Fallout just because it so hard to take the beggars down and tobehonest they always kind of reminded me of an upright dog that just wanted a hug…seee they seemed to have a slight I whanna hung you grin on thier face.


Google this:

cliff-racer from Morrowind

Google should ask:

Did you mean “fffuuuuuuu…” ?

Regular enemies are mostly ok but I have big problems with many bosses. That’s a concept I would lovely leave behind rotting in the history books of videogaming. Most are just dumb damage sponge, a mutated health bar, with “fists of armageddon +168”. I really hate when any enemy uses different rule set than the whole gameworld.

So the most annoying regular enemies:

  • packs of rats in Fallout 2 (wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, shoot! kick!, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait… 20 minutes later - killed all, no scratch)
  • reappearing thugs in Planescape Torment in The Hive
  • respawning enemies in Far Cry 2
  • large groups of soldiers, so called “delay groups”, in Assasin’s Creed 2+
  • Hun horse archers in Medieval 2 Total War
  • the scattered pack of ice lizards in Legend of Grimrock
  • AI driven longbowmen in Age of Empires 2
  • wildboar in Gothic 3
  • but yeah, cliff racer is the unmatched winner here

honorable mention:

  • checkpoints in Mark of the Ninja
  • the gamedesign in Stalker Clear Sky (Call of Pripyat is awesome)
  • GfWL
  • scripts in Battlefield 3 story mode

Sephiroth. Definately f*****g Sephiroth from KH. 'nough said.

Tonberries are up there. Annoying bricks, JUST STAB ME AND GET IT OVER WITH! Enough with the walking. Especially the ones in FF8.

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I present to you: Murloc

Neverwinter Nights 2 - The storm of Zehir expansion - Herald of Zehir - with a bad character build near to impossible. took me more then a fortnight to finally beat him.

Yeah, I only found out this expansion would make playing the base game almost impossible after I installed it. How’d you get your’s to work?

Chaos Witch Quelaag From Dark Souls,as i remember,that was just insanee,i just start to play the game,and get used to combat,but you don’t wanna play this game in hard mode belive me…it took me few times to kill it,but again it’s soo hard…

Yes! Except I would say skirmishers are more annoying because no matter what civilization the computer player is they have them.

Yes again! Horse archers in general. In campaign mode as the Byzantines I’ve had trouble with the Venetians because of their superior spear infantry.

I really hated Draconis in Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal. I mean, invisible dragon-mage? Seriously? Dragon, OR high level mage is not enough? Also rats in Fallout were pretty annoying. Some of my friends even stopped playing the game, because of half an hour fight with rats in the beginning. But my favorite has to be Kintaro in Mortal Kombat 2. It has to be possible to kill that four-armed idiot, but how? I think I’ll never know…

I can think of 2-
Flak in Rise of Flight, playing as a gunner, my pilot just destroyed a British airfield, I shot down like, 3 fighters that were on our tail, got out of there without a scratch and heading back home over no-man’s-land, then we get hit by flak one time and our wings are gone.
Also, freaking Controllers in STALKER: Call Of Pripyat: Misery, oh your within a mile of them? Well, your brain is melting now, oh, and you can SEE it? Ok, now you’ll be dead in 5 seconds no matter how much protection your brain has.

You need to install the game and then expansion pack and then update it to the max. Without updates it’s usually very unstable and buggy in quests. But that’s another discussion…

Argh! These are horrible! Forgot about them.

That is entirely different level of ‘opruzation’ as Misery is mod for stalker masochists and… masochists

Cliff Racers stopped being a problem, once I created a fire ball area effect spell. Could take down 4-5 bunched together in one shot. Always hated the spider skull things from Doom 3, used to appear out of no where with that annoying ‘whoosh’ sound.

Medusa Heads in Castlevania :smiley: