Most annoying experience, bug or part you encountered? Jan Rucker wants to know. Please share your thoughts!

Most annoying bug — Q&A quest cutscene bug (unable to proceed) - FIXED
Most annoying experience — Graphics Configuration reset after changing gamma and some other settings (different in different times)

And I hate that Rattay armorsmith and Bailiff are sleeping 24/7

Curious, what specifically is annoying? To me, 2 things. (1) the NPC groups should organize better in attack. Cuman and bandit camps are relatively easy prey for Henry before and during Ruin and related quests.

On horseback, Wolflin’s whole camp was pretty easy to cut down solo. Want a different way? Hop on the wagon in their camp… near invincible.

Enter Pribyslavitz in controlled manner. Possible to kill every single enemy NPC… on a ‘sabotage’ mission

(2) when weaker, one strategy is to have Henry draw the enemy NPCs away from spawn point to isolate and hit and run. After a while, the NPCs quit and put their weapons away. No defensive position, no tired position (hands on knees), etc. that makes them execution targets. not cool.

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After 1.4.1 i keep crashing.

Thanks for communicating with us, it does a lot to make sure people keep faith in you, I think. I can live with bugs and things not going as we all wish they’d go, it’s radio silence that makes me doubt whether the developer is still involved enough with their player base or not. I really wish you all the best and hope the game succeeds, also for selfish reasons because I want the story to continue* :wink:

* If it does, please rehire Luke Dale as voice actor for Sir Hans Capon, I love what he did there, especially his hysterical laugh :stuck_out_tongue: Very well written NPC as well!

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  1. Pathing issues for npcs during quests, for example where you ride with Hans Capons during the end of Talmberg Siege and the ending.

  2. Needle in a haystack quest, why bother with helping the candidate when there’s no proper end to it?

i’m not sure there’s an end. jail, kill or set pious on his way… monks eat all day all night and don’t react appropriately to Henry returning :expressionless::face_with_raised_eyebrow::roll_eyes:

Halberds piling up in towns. Other than that, my only annoying issue is mid-late game where so many of the game’s wonderful gameplay attributes become meaningless because you’re so overtly powerful. You should definitely be rewarded for practice like you are. but there should be inflation (or you get a lot less for selling items in the first place), and combat should never be easy against Cumans and the tougher enemies.
Horses should be searched for stolen goods, and the stolen tag should stay on items 3x-4x as long.

Right now we’d have to force ourselves to carry stolen goods just to deal with guards and that won’t happen for me as I’m always maxed out for carry weight so it goes right to my horse.

I’ve said it dozens of times on here, I’m incredibly fortunate to not have all the issues others have had. This may sound weak, but my biggest complaint is the frequency, and infinitely worse, the quality of the rain. It is the single most ugly thing in the game- the “shredded paper” rain… Ruins the beauty of this awesome world. I hope it is indeed on the list to be fixed, as I’ve previously heard.

A pause option for cutscenes would be ideal.


The worse parts for me in the game are the pop-ins and textures not loading well during cutscenes, it really takes me out of the experience :confused: keep in mind i´m playing on the ps4. Other than that i really enjoy the game!

Random crashes has ruined my game

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did any notice this shit. it had me lmao!


I did. Glad to see some people still have a sense of humor

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Most annoying experiences:

  1. Fast travel is relatively slow, during which you generally don’t have anything to do.
  2. Time passes too slowly during waiting and sleeping, same as above, you don’t have anything to do during their durations. And the last hour of waiting/sleeping takes about 10 times (over 30 seconds, sometimes over 40 seconds) the duration of an hour before that (3 seconds each).
  3. As someone has already mentioned above, NPCs pass through each other/objects/doors.
  4. Strange camera view during conversation, e.g. showing only the hat/lower leg/back of head, NPC talking while standing back to back etc.
  5. NPCs block ways in narrow passages or at doors.
  6. Frisking occurs still too often.
  7. The armors cannot be sort by type, so it is very difficult now to tell by name which armor piece in the store fits to which body part.
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Stutter_ ruins the whole game

I’m pretty optimistic naturally so even if things don’t work out work around them and move on that was my hopes with this stutter thing after again playing the game seven times over before reaching the inevitable stutter that just doesn’t go away on Xbox I’m losing my goddamn mind over here


Lmao the best comment ever

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This is pretty easy to explain. The whole world is being simulated during FT, sleep and simple waiting. Last hour is even longer because the simulation gets more precise and detailed and puts NPCs in the right spots.


I think the most annoying thing is how the devs keep spitting in our faces by releasing game breaking “patches”

Ok, so the mechanic is accurate to the simulation. Good to know. Can we lie to the end users instead? Take the slowness of last hour and distribute evenly over rest of duration. The slow last hour is a bit mocking. It’s like 1 o’clock to 11 o’clock are regular hour long intervals but 11 o’clock to 12 o’clock is like a 5 hour interval. It’s a perverse clock even though the rationale for it is logical


If you want to wait one hour you can set the timer for 2 hours and stop after one hour. It has a loading time then but it´s still shorter than waiting the last hour.