My experience with combat

Here is my experience with the combat system.

The first video is me playing it how it should be played. I was doing the best I could to “directionally” block; by changing my sword star direction towards where the opponent weapon is placed upon strike. Although there is no directional blocking in K:D, I tried not to block if my direction star was not in the correct place from when the AI strikes. This makes the game so much more challenging and fun, even the beginner AI was a hard challenge.

The second vid is of me just button mashing. As you can see from the results, even “Very Advanced” A.I was easy. Maybe it’s just me and or combat skill being increased playing a major part, but dose anyone else experience the same thing?

ive found the opposite. i find the timing excruciatingly tight and the directional part of directional blocking simply fails to work 2/3 of the time. the directional part needs polish so its easy to look into the zone you want to and not have to fight against the clunkiness.
before ppl say im just bad (kinda true) im really not that bad, im parrying correctly and i just get hit anyway lol. tbh not impressed so far

Have you checked what fps you are getting?

there is some lacking optimization in 0.4 which can cuased bogged gameplay and distort reaction time greatly.

I assume your playing with KBM? if you have a gamepad you can also try testing that way at this time combat handles much easier with a gamepad.

thankfully 0.5 update should be here very soon and we will get to evaluate the improvements.

(shhhhh im not here)

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i get 40-45 fps on medium which imo is low for a R9 390 and i5 4690K. however is smooth (mostly) ill try a gamepad and see how that works out

I am playing it on the highest settings.

PC specs are:

i7 4770k @3.5GHz
Nvidia GTX 780

I get around 20-30 fps. Than again, the game is not optimised. Also from what I know or at least think I know, there is no directional blocking in K:D. If I am wrong, please tell me.

there is no directional blocking that is correct, however becuase its physics based having your blade on the correct side increases the chance of a successful parry becuase your blade is that much closer to where it needs to be.