Hey guys, so i tried playing the latest version, but for some reason i keep getting low FPS, never over 30, on any setting.
Im running on a 970 and FX8350, 1080p. Is this normal? because people with lower cards are getting better FPS xD
whats you memory at?
We’re all sitting at a low FPS in the Alpha. It’s not you.
Depends on your display and how you’ve got it connected mate…
If it’s via a legacy version of HDMI (1.4 for example) then you’ll have a hard fps lock at 30… Even the new 4K monitors you’ll also be limited to 30 frames per second. Not until HDMI 2.0 comes out will it support 4K over HDMI at 60 fps.
Try DisplayPort adapter if you have one…That’s capable of full 3840x2160 @ 60 fps… which is what I’m running off at home.
**KCD I’ve got running at 1920x1080 on Very High settings. And I’m sitting around 40-50 fps.
Memory if you mean RAM is 8gb, but i mean. It is Alpha, some got lucky some didnt i guess, still fun and i enjoy it , was just worried my PC wasnt enough for it, even though games like Witcher 3 i run fine on ultra.
I think i replied to myself
Are you monitoring your system while playing?
Can you be more specific? I just got into PC gaming, only reason i know FPS is because the game had option to turn it on xD
Basically running task manager or a piece of software that monitors what your CPU runs at when playing.
I usually get about 60-70% usage.