New tier available! Check it out!

Do you want to eternalize in KCD and see your picture on a church wall, or read your name in the credits? Then check our new Illuminatus Tier and get the incredible benefits. Out now!

I would love to get my hands on one of these, but as longtime student / apprentice you don’t earn that much. Anyhow, nice that you made this tier available for people (who can afford it) :smiley:

honestly, if i had it right now i would buy it but i gotta buy a new car so that is more important at the monent :confused:

Damn, that’s expensive :smiley:

Same as it was on Kickstarter, just slightly higher. Started with 5, they sold 2, so here are the last 3.

For now I’m a bit disappointed by the shop. I was (and I still am) hoping for add-ons we can add to our current tiers rather than upgrade to complete tiers with a higher price than the KS tiers. You could have digital add-ons like a unique horse, a big cart, some special clothing or weapons. Also physical add-ons like the sword would be possible if you would limit it.Think of such possibilities before you add more tiers which have previously existed on kickstarter.

Sounds partly like a good idea.
I don’t like the part with digital (ingame) addons. This adds IMHO a DLCish character to it and I really don’t like (most) DLCs.

On the other hand the physical addons like a sword, shield, dices, copper engraving etc. sound like a good idea. If their partners can carry the extra work.

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Any digital add-ons are very tricky IMO - the thing is that they would have to be only visual, adding some microtransaction-like system would kinda go against the whole spirit of this game (so if weapons, only the handle of said weapon or something like that). Another problem is, that, as Warhorse repeatedly stated, KS backers should have a special place, so it would be hard to balance. Physical add-ons are a good idea.

Actually, I think it’s better they get the Kickstarter tiers in place first. This game is still a good year to year and a half away from release, so there’s little point of tossing in a bunch of little digital in-game things they’re probably not even at the point of thinking about yet. Those add-ons really have nothing to do with the tiers (which may be the point) and are unlikely to be much more than a cosmetic or minimal physical/weapon difference.

As for the prices of the tiers, it’s fair for them to make them slightly more expensive than they were during the Kickstarter phase. The ones who pledged are the ones who got this thing funded so successfully, after all.

Physical add-ons of some kind would be cool, but again - there’s no great deadline to get all that stuff done right now. Even the Kickstarter backers are going to be waiting a while to get their physical goodies.

$5,000 … ouch. I feel this one is for the filthily rich. It’s almost as bad as the 19th century British army, where you could buy your commission up to the rank of major. I understand the need for sponsors, but at the same time don’t want to be reminded that I’m looking at some rich kid’s face in game. I was hoping for some more sensible tiers that still include a weapon, and that I could upgrade to. How about an archer’s pick for us commoners?


I have upgraded my tier to Duke so maybe one day I will upgrade again :smile:

I’d love to give 5k but the $60 I pledged was about my limit :p. As a student who works as well, I most assuredly won’t have that kind of spending cash for a long time, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts. Anyhow, I appreciate the opportunity and wish the best of luck to those brave souls that pledge the $5,000. I shall gladly honor them when I see their name on the church wall.