New video update about combat!

It has been played during an interview with @TobiTobsen on Gamescom! It’s pretty cool.


Yay! Finally a game with awesome combat system.
I’m bored to play games where fighting with melee weapons seems like a challenge between peasants that hoe.

WH today uploaded the video update on their official youtube channel.


Great vid… Probably my favourite video to date.

2000 animations per weapon… man this figure really provides some great context around the quality of the work going into the combat mechanic. And it makes me appreciate even more the effort that the whole WH team are putting in to make this game something truly amazing.


So many shots of guys banging away at full-sword despite their opponent wearing plate armor, though. :cry:

Yea I feel sorry for the sword haha

But it’s a game after all… it’s gunna happen.

As seen in the new clip the developers use foam swords for their motion capture.

The company that makes the weapons - the Canadian “Calimacil” - also just shared the clip on their facebook page… More Hype… :smile: