No access to Beta :(

why there is no access to beta on steam, i know that full game is almost there but i thought i can play (download) beta even after release.

That’s make me sad :confused: a had a lot memories in Samopesh and Talmberk in beta. And there is nice comparasion how game has change itself trough time

Cmon warshorse :confused: or its about money that you pay to GabeN for using Steam servers?

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Did you unistalled it and unable to download now ? Mine is still installed and I can play.

BTW Beta and Release have different Steam App IDs

I still have it installed but on other PC i cant donwnload it again. Is there some trick how to keep it on PC? Like copy that to differend folder (disk) and pray for its still be playable.
Btw yes Beta and release has different id but its not anymore on Steam servers :confused:

there are roumors going on that even alpha can be found as a torrent. just saying.

If the beta don’t use Steam DRM, you can play on whichever PC that folder is copied. There is also backup feature on steam. It creates an installation file that let you restore a game without downloading it again.

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