No Alpha for Linux/Mac backers?

I haven’t followed the news, rumours and other bits of information about the development of Kingdom Come: Deliverance closely.

Have the developers said or hinted anything about development (plans) to other PC platforms besides Microsoft Windows?
More than there was at the time of Kickstarter campaign, which was basically that “they try to support as much operating systems as possible, but not promising or sure about anything”. I don’t suppose anyone has given blood oath to bring it to Linux or die trying, but perhaps they’re hiring people with solid background in developing for anything other than Windows. On PC platform, let’s keep consoles out of this thread for clarity’s sake please.

I’m pretty sure we (as Linux players) don’t get it for the promised alpha, at least not at the same time with Windows version. It’s understandable that they are developing for the bigger audience first. However, it seemed they really try to support Linux too. So, I hope there may have been something promising for the final release. I don’t care - at least any-more - about beta or alpha access, but pray that they are able to port it to Linux as a playable game. It’s far from release, but just poking the rumour mill. Thanks.

Eek, please no wine.

I take Mac and Linux versions as a given, as even now you can choose it as a platform in their online shop. However, @WH_JiriRydl should be able to shed some more light on this.

The only issue with the Mac/Linux version is that they will be probably little bit later. For now we have around dozen of pledges for Mac or Linux.

EDIT: I meant the full game, Alpha/Beta are planned for Windows, at least for now.

Dozen? They are all in this thread right? :smiley:

I think that there was no option to choose the platform during the Kickstarter campaign (as this would be done at a later date), so those are probably just those who pledged directly through the shop.

Exactly, the platform was not offered on the Kickstarter. Unfortunately alpha/beta was promised to Windows only.

Exactly, the platform was not offered on the Kkckstarter. Unfortunately alpha/beta was promised to Windows only.

That is not correct.

Regading Beta:

The Beta access will be available on Windows, Linux and Mac at least; it may also be available on consoles but we cannot confirm it yet.
Kickstater campaign link

And regarding Alpha: in no place was mentioned that the Alpha was “Windows only” and I (and I suppose many others) thought that a Linux Alpha was promised (and pledged for it). Only 3 days before the Kickstarter campaign ended was mentioned (in update 17) that the Alpha version was confirmed for Windows only.

Are you confirming that a Linux Alpha is officially ruled out?

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My mistake about the beta, I am sorry. Alpha is not planned for Linux unfortunately.

You are heavily underestimating the Linux / Mac userbase, which is unfortunate:

How can be stating a fact based on statistics underestimating? He explained that he was talking about pledges after the kickstarter.

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We definitely want to make a game for Linux/Mac. Right now we have decided keep the resources needed for alpha/beta conversions for the final game conversion. We will have more info after alpha release for Windows in October 2014. Lets talk again about this topic then. Thank you!

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I can understand why people complain, but for real don’t you have or can’t do a Windows partition to play the alpha/beta?
I think that we should be happy to count with the final version of this game on Linux. Just my opinion.

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If the goal is to at least have the final release of KCD on Linux/Mac, it’s hardly the end of the world if you can’t play the alpha or beta on them. The end result is what matters most, not getting to run around a little bit in pre-release versions of the game.

If it matters that much to people to do that, get creative on your end.

It’s sad to hear that. If the Beta for Linux is not finally released I hope you guys will give us Linux users a compensation. Anyway, let’s talk again in October.

[quote=“PerroYverde, post:33, topic:8878, full:true”]
I can understand why people complain, but for real don’t you have or can’t do a Windows partition to play the alpha/beta?[/quote]

Will you pay the Windows license for me? :wink: Will you repair my computer if it gets infected by a virus? :wink:

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Of course it’s not the end of the world. But the important thing here is that it was promised during the Kickstarter campaign, and I pledged (an I supppose many others) more money than initially thought only to get the Alpha and Beta.

What if the Windows Alpha/Beta gets cancelled? I think the chaos in the forums would be enormous :smile:

Well, the Linux version was meant for the final game, not Alpha or Beta on Kickstarter. Truth is that it may be confusing - so many versions, PC versus console, early accesss, physical or digital… This KS update is not very clear also:

We should have stated it more clearly, I am sorry.

I do appreciate your words and I understand your position, but you are wrong. Beta for Linux was very clearly stated in Kickstarter:

The Beta access will be available on Windows, Linux and Mac at least; it may also be available on consoles but we cannot confirm it yet.

Kickstarter link

Regarding Alpha, it was “only” implicitly promised (as implicitly as it was the Windows Alpha).

Alpha access: You will in-effect become part of our development team, getting access to the earliest barely playable version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Your comments and observations will help to shape the game.

(Please note that no specific Operating System is mentioned.)

May I assume that the Windows Alpha/Beta is also being cancelled? I suppose the answer is no. So please do not treat us (Linux/Mac users) as second class citizens, or offer a way to compensate us. We have exactly the same rights as Windows users (no more, no less) of being involved in the development of the game, we paid for it :wink:


You are right about Beta, I am sorry. I will make sure our programmers have the Linux version in their plans. Thank you!