No Black Peter Ambush

So I am on Dead Men Tell No Tales. I defeated Black Peter, go to the mill to get my winnings, but Black Peter never ambushes me. What am I doing wrong or is it too bugged? I have loaded several old saves, rode around for days, waited, travelled back and forth, but I never get attacked. Please help!

To get him to spawn, you need to win the tournament, and then come from Rattay to Ledetchko. If you come from the other side, it won’t work. Just before you see him, you’ll see a rope designed to knock you off your horse. If you see the rope, you can then go from the other side to sneak up on him.

I know. I just will not happen. He never shows up.

Rode into the rope! got up and he calmly walked past me ( did not know at the time that was him.) peeved I waylaid the knight in black and stole all his stuff & letting him get away. :frowning_face:
Ill get him in the next play thru!

You had ONE job henry…:man_facepalming:


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Ya, ya, I did not know it was him! the rope surprised and did not know it would be such an ambush on horseback. :pleading_face:

i have here my first play through right now and suspected something like this after i hear the story from his father.
then i get the tournament message…and failed miserable at the very first round…:sweat:
it’s not henry they have to learn to fight…it’s me their don’t get how i’m supposed to fight with this system properly
Henry is so friggin slow with his hits. i dont get any combo done before the enemy gets me.

I still can’t get him to spawn. Help would be appreciated.

Have you tried to back save and see if that works?
Using any mods?

I don’t know if it would be any help, but my Peter has been spawned there same evening ca. 21:00. And disappeared next morning around 8:00. So i had to load a save to get him back.

Practice with Bernard helps.

i can’t for some reason right now, otherwise i would have trained for the tournament.

Could be the Roads are Dangerous Mod…I’ll check it out.

It was this mod that was causing it to not trigger. SOLVED!!!

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