No Download on my Profile

Their is no download link on my profile, yes i have followed the steps where you goto the website, login then goto your profile and then their should be the download link. But their isn’t!

So why can’t i play?

Hello, thank you for your request. Did you back any tier?

Or were you a Kickstarter backer?

Yes, i payed for the game, i wasn’t a Kickstarter backer. But i have backed the DIGITAL EDITION (PC) on the website. I can recall a time where i was able to download the launcher but now the option has disappeared.

The time where i could download the launcher was when i originally payed for the game, and it sent me somewhere to download the launcher, but other then that i don’t seem to have any other way of downloading the game again

Okay, I will check about it. Do you remember the email and username of the profile you used to get the Digital Edition? Please send me the information as a PM, not here in public.