No sound from the game

I am curently using no headset,my computer speakers work fine,but i still can not hear the game,i even tried to play windowed but it didn’t work.Pls help.

Umm, try to alt tab game, in my case it works

I did try it,but no result

Can you give us some Details of your System?

You mean my computer specs?

yea……we had some Sound issues with an alienware Hardware some time Ago.

I am not using alienware,i’m using Myria,which is powered by Asus.Alienware is from Dell so it should not be the same problem…I think.

Oh and,at first i was using a headset and it was fine,now i am not using it and my default hardware for sound are my speakers.

Fixed it,all i had to do is change the sound quality for the speakers

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