No Soundtrack and Art book in my Steam profile

I have the game downloading but no option for my other items.
When will I receive them?


I’m wondering if it is a glitch with Steam or if it just wasn’t transferred over. I’m having that problem as well.

Same Progblem for me. There is nothing loke DLC or any other way to see the artwork and music.

same for me.

same to me aswell.

Same here… could not locate the soundtrack anywhere.

Same here, im not even sure i have the pre order content.
Loving the game tho

Edit: I now have the treasures of the past. but still no OST or Artbook

Dont have it yet as well D: Hopefully that will be added soon because the soundtrack of this game has been a 10 so far!

i dont have it either :frowning:

Yup, same problem here. I’m missing the soundtrack, the art book and the making of video.

Same here, nothing on steam

Where do you guys search for the soundtrack and the artbook. Is there some special place in Steam install directory or is it supposed to be in game dir (e.g. \Steam\steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance)?
BTW I had to “link my profile to steam account” on my profile on KC:D website and now it shows:

So I expect only artbook and soundtrack to be on Steam.

In other games this kind of rewards are downloaded in game’s folder while you are downloading the game. So everyone would expect it to be in \steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance

Items are now in profile.

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Both "DLC"s are downloaded and OST is at \steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Soundtrack but I couldn’t find the artbook.


How do you link a Steam account? Don’t see that option…

With the Knight (physical) reward tier you are going to receive: Early access to Beta + Physical (digipak) copy of Act I + Game soundtrack on CD + Making of video on DVD + Printed manual + Access to our forums + Knight forum badge

I don’t have a Printed Manual, only Soundtrack CD.

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Linking Steam account is for digital backer tiers. Sign in here try if it is working for physical backer tiers.

No one would get a printed manual. Backers who choosed physical will get a PDF like backers who choosed digital. Making of video will come later. I don’t know if they will send new packages with that DVD or you guys too will have to download it like us.

Mine just came in today. Listed under steam dlc. I suppose it just took a few days to have everything updated.

Hello, the digital soundtrack and artbook are now available on Steam.

Soundtrack is at"… \steamapps\common\KingdomComeDeliverance\Soundtrack" but I couldn’t locate the artbook. Steam says “Art Book DLC” is installed.