Not possible to get all pickpocketing perks even at level 20?

So, I was very frustrated with the pickpocket mechanics, it seems like most of the time your mark will catch you regardless of your level. So I was thinking and realized that pickpocketing sleeping NPCS would be a lot easier. For this I chose the miller where the captive Cuman is located. My procedure:

  1. Wait til night, knock out the miller and load him up with high value items.
  2. When he awakes and goes back to sleep, keep pickpocketing him til he runs out of items, repeat step 1 until you are 20.
  3. Be sure to knock him out and take back all your items when you are done, I gave him too much stuff and had to go back later to get all of it. If you are playing thief build then it is preferable to keep him alive so he can act as a fence. And tip him during transactions so your rep will go up again, to make up for the rep loss from pickpocketing him.

This is a cheap method to powerlevel but it works, and given how aggravating it is to pickpocket, I figured this route is the best way to max out. And it’'s not technically cheating.

But after hitting 20, I realized I had activated all perks but one. The one where they won’t call the guards if they like you a little bit. The other perks seemed more valuable so I chose the ones that seemed most useful as I progressed.

There are 11 pickpicketing perks, and perk points are awarded at 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20. This makes for a total of 10 choosable perks. Then you can’t get more XP/perks. So I will assume that not being able to get the last perk is by design. And that this will generally apply to any skill that has less perk points than actual perks available. But I wanted to confirm with others here, to be sure it’'s not a bug. Not being able to get this last perk is no big loss, I’m still enjoying the game orherwise.

I bought my copy from GOG, with all DLC except Hans Capon. Game version is 1.7.2. I’m on a tight income, will buy the last DLC when money permits.


Yes - ‘All perks but one’ is kind of the general rule.

It took me forever to realize I needed to hold down the E key for longer to “create a longer time frame” to actually pick the pocket!

Once I made that realization pick-pocketing became easy street!

Yes, at low levels you need to be much more cautious and selective: ONLY sleeping individuals or drunks. Knocking them out with Lullaby is an option if you can manage to poison their stew pot just before they eat. Lullaby: What I have Learned

But once you start getting around Level 12 or 13 it just snow balls -> from easy to incredibly easy. I took that Friendly Neighbor perk as soon as I could! Looked too valuable to me! In fact, that might be the ONLY one I’d really consider to be valuable . . .

@dichebach: I’m already 20 with all perks except the one I didn’t choose, even when pickpocketing the miller he seemed to catch me 7-8 times out of 10, had to keep reloading a save. And he was sleeping. So I really don’t think it gets easier as you level up.

I only play KCD with a Xbox One S controller on PC, it was a major hassle to master lockpicking with a controller, but now I can do hard/very hard locks with little difficulty. You just have to learn how to rotate the sticks correctly.

That sucks. Sounds like the UI design doesn’t handle controllers very well for things like the pickpocketing and lockpicking mini-games?

On first encounter, both lockpicking and pickpocketing seemed nearly impossible. After breaking probably 20 lockpicks and getting caught by Peshek (or others) pilfering at least that many times, it started to seem easier. After several score trials (and with improving character stats) it started to seem fairly routine. By the time I was getting to level 5 or 6 in lockpicking and level 10 or 11 in pickpocketing I felt confident to rarely if ever fail. AFter these experiences, even going back to a new playline and starting with a level 0 toon both mini-games seemed “challenging but totally doable with enough attention and focus.”

Of course, all we users are bit different and some may just lack the perceptual or motor skills to ever be really good at it; others will have found it way easier than I did. But with that said, it does sound like a lot of console users find these mini-games to be “extra hard” and that suggests something about how the game ports the UI functionality to consoles is in need of adjustment.

@dichebach: The UI for lockpicking is perfect if you use a keyboard, but horrible with a controller. I sometimes still resort to keyboard if I’m working on a very hard lock and have broken a pick or 2. Not very often. As for pickpocketping, it’s, pretty easy with a controller, because you don’t have to precisely time the stick movements.

Maybe the miller kept catching me at high levels because I repeatedly targeted him? Also, no sooner than I had left, several guards immediately came running my way. Somehow, the miller telepathically relayed thoughts to them. I also noted that my high value items were marked as stolen, despite me not otherwise stealing them, and I wasn’t about to let the guards confiscate 15k of items. Had to make a break for it.