NPCs are once again dirty with torn clothes

I really hate that they’ve re-implemented this feature, or turned it up. Everyone is filthy and has shredded clothes. Occasionally they clean themselves up but I haven’t noticed them repairing their clothes. I don’t find it immersive, I find it irritating, especially when it’s the wealthier citizens walking around in tatters.

Is there any way I can go into the game files and adjust it so that either the clothes don’t degrade and the NPCs stay clean, or anything similar? Or a cheat that can ‘refresh’ the NPCs when it gets too noticeable?

I’ve already got a mod that keeps Henry clean for longer but it doesn’t appear to affect NPCs. Thanks!

I saw common folks to be dirty while guards clean and nice clothed.

Let’s go a bit more constructive.

1/ The feature itself is very nice. I like the idea that I can see (literally) when my clothes or armour is broken instead of seeing an abstract number of the armour or clothing ‘health’.

2/ The game mechanics in the current state leads to a certain problem, when almost everyone has badly broken clothes and dirty armour which is highly unrealistic for citizens, monks, and even villagers.

Possible solution:
I have an idea of creating a mod that could help to amend the problem. Here is my reasoning. The clothing and armour of the randomly encountered NPCs is never in perfect condition. In fact, it is normally in very poor condition. Therefore, it is set to spawn in this state. I think the same can be true about the consistent NPCs: their clothing and armour is set to spawn in the condition we see it in. This fact is somewhat confirmed by the observation that their clothing doesn’t deteriorate over time (it only get’s dirtier).

My question is here:

Briefly, I don’t know what files store the info about the condition which NPCs apparel spawns in and I couldn’t find this (these?) file(s) by exploring the pak-archives. There are some files that point to other files that seem to contain inventory sets, although they are not even nearly numerous enough to cover all the NPCs. In any case, these files don’t seem to specify the initial condition of the items directly. Unfortunately, my question on Nexus still remains unanswered, because most of the players look to be obsessed with adding new ‘cool’ stuff like more surcoats and caparisons from their favourite pet movies.

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I’m not saying it’s not a cool feature, I just find it to be poorly implemented. For example, I leave the bathhouse at Rattay and by the time I’m IN Rattay, I’m dirty. Ideally, the dirt would only cover your feet, and you only get fully dirty over longer periods (i’m talking several days of continuous movement), or if you’re in a fight. Same with the clothes. I can’t say I’m an expert on medieval fabrics but I’d imagine that they were pretty hardy, so having rips ten minutes later is just annoying.

I’m afraid I can’t help you with where the NPCs put their clothes, but I do think their clothing deteriorates too. It sounds like a good mod though, good luck with it.

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XBox One:
I’m wondering about the latest Patch, which I believe is 1.07.
Are you using it?
I assume you are on PC, since you talk about a “mod”.
Can you “disable” a mod on PC, like I can on my XBox?
Have you tried disabling or deleting the clothing mod you loaded to see if that corrects your problem?
I’m Trying to determine if I should download the latest patch, or if I should wait.
Just want to make sure your problem is with the patch and not the mod.

XBox One:
Ilya, you made me think of past experiences with bandits and Cumans.
Many times when I loot one of these NPCs their clothing and armor is near Zero value and condition.
Makes me now wonder why some of them are so damn hard to kill?
Henry’s armor defense values are lowered when his armor and clothing are damaged.
Wondering now if WHS took this into consideration when computing the NPCs defense values?

Yes, I am on a PC and I have the latest version (1.6.2 on PC). I think you didn’t get me right. I didn’t mean I had a mod that messed up the clothing, I meant to say that I would like to create a mod that would amend the core game mechanics, but there is no mod yet.

The problem I was talking about has been there since the day 1. The patch 1.6 (on PC, the pre-latest) broke that part of the game and visual deterioration of clothes was not visible anymore, but it made the NPCs finally look neat and tidy. The latest patch (1.6.2) has brought the feature back and now you can see Henry’s clothing getting dirty and ragged over time, but all the NPCs now walk in tatters (as it actually was before the pre-latest patch).

I guess, the stats of the clothing and armour might have been broken, too, so I would give the latest patch a try to see, if this helps killing Cumans. Otherwise, it depends a lot on the type of armour. If the Cuman you’re fighting has steel lamellar then swords are usually useless. You have to go for axes/maces/hammers to beat the lamellar.

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My comment about having a mod installed (in this case to mod Henry’s clothing)'was aimed at,the,original poster.
I thought I aimed my comment at him.
I’m looking now and see it was aimed at you.

I click on the “arrow” button below Iozza’s post, and the comment is pointed to you!
Just tried it again.

For those on PC, there is this mod that was great in reducing the speed of dirtying:

Unfortunaly, i’m afraid it has not been updated and does not work with 1.6.2, at least not on Hardoce Mode.

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Oh, I see now. Yeah, sometimes this forum messes up :slight_smile:

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Yes, sir, but it addresses only one side of the problem. See, it is aimed at the clean/dirty mechanics, but there is no mod that would affect the new/ragged/tattered mechanics.

I have found a file named social_class.xml. This file has a parameter the name of which implies that it’s the initial health status of NPCs apparel due to their social class. A social class is then assigned to every NPC in the game. Just in order to experiment I set all to 1.0, but the effect was not uniform. It seems to affect only some of the NPCs. I tried to skip 2-3 in-game days for the inventories to respawn, if it was the case, but nothing really changed.