Other games hard to play after KCD

I’ve played games like Fallout 76 and I can’t get into it after playing a game as deep as KCD! KCD is as deep as the Mariana Trench or whatever it’s called. Fallout 76 is as shallow as a puddle and I wonder if this is the end of my fun if I can’t play something like KCD again.

Have you played The Witcher 3? I presume so, but it’s never too bad to leave another estranged wanderer to the masterpiece.

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FO76 beta starts on Oct 23rd; full release Nov 14th. It’s an online game and therefore unlike any previous FO game. Elaborate

Well Fallout 76 wont really be a roleplaying game at all from what I gathered, but even compared to previous games from that franchise or from the elder scrolls KCD offers such a better immersion. Seeing the direction Bethesda is taking with its games left me very disappointed and I can easily see Warhorse Studios replacing them as leaders in the roleplaying genre if they stick to this niche.

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Yep and fallout 4 early stress test is 1% of kcds depth so…

it won’t be a world of NPCs centered around you. that’s for sure. even with the bounty system, not sure how much the game will offer beyond a FO shooter. personally, not interested but think it premature to judge having not played… kind of like a virgin saying it was like sex

not sure if this is a new direction or an additional one. if new, i’d be terrible. the next gen Elder scrolls doesnt seem to be online so there’s that

Skyrim and FO4 are persistently at the top in steam numbers even though theyre old as ****. so only thing WH might be able to lead in is vision. as far as ratings are concerned, D:OS2 far outrates KCD in the RPG genre. not a big fan of D:OS2 (esp relative to KCD) but ratings are ratings

explain. FO4 is a flawed product but there are at least 4 different faction endings. KCD has 1. KCD has mod support for consoles. KCD has none and likely never will.

Skyrim and FO4 are persistently at the top in steam numbers even though theyre old as ****. so only thing WH might be able to lead in is vision. as far as ratings are concerned, D:OS2 far outrates KCD in the RPG genre. not a big fan of D:OS2 (esp relative to KCD) but ratings are ratings

Was talking in the long term of course, when Bethesda launched those games it already had a huge brand recognition, huge budgets and was working with very established and successful franchises, so it would take a miracle for KCD to top them. Give Warhorse a few years though :wink:

Don’t give a flying f*ck about ratings. KCD is the best game I’ve played so far. That’s coming from a massive Witcher fan. Let’s see what RDR2 can do.

fwiw, in RPG space, Larian is said to have <150. similar to WH.

think WH can be a player but to be transformative they’ve got to deliver on targets presented in their kickstarter vid (crafting, large scale battles, warhorses, sandbox, etc) but not yet evident in KCD

I meant f76

This was how I felt after TES:Oblivion, sometimes the wait is long but innovation most certainly always comes.