Outta here, finished with the game

Now I finished the game (Amazing ending btw) with over 1200hrs gameplay I done everything in it do probably not gonna be here anymore. Really played it too much and sick of it tbh and want to detox and play something else.

But still KCD is the BEST GAME EVER and if you dispute this you not played enough games and know not too much about gaming.

When the DLC is released I might come back.


Bye for now :slight_smile:
See ya soon after Ashes release.


Everyone need a rest. So it’s a good choice to make a break. Come back later after several patches/DLC :slight_smile:

Goodbye, Kirksty.
Don’t let the screen-door hit you in the ass…


My prognosis, see you in a few days if not hours.

Friday’s over, no patch, maybe another week.

I have to take a poo. Might start my own thread to announce it properly. Give it a proper send off before I flush.

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You will be a while then because you seem to be full of it.

But he was right lol just over a hour after his comment lol

He goaded me on so yeah… Just wanted to point out he is full of poo.

Haha, in a retort posts a YT video of a Matrix movie #awkward

So I take it you agree that you are full of poo? Nothing personal.

you still here? clearly you missed the point but before you jet with your tail between your legs again.

Did you ever hear the saying…

Never play chess with a pigeon. because the pigeon just knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board, Then struts around like it won.

woooosh, that is the sound of everything going over your pigeon head. ha

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Sorry what? Your post is hidden. For some reason. :yum:

I expect no less. in fact, I welcome my post being hidden. cheers for reporting it.

Just to let you know, this is soon gonna be locked if you continue.